Ho Ho Ho!
The decorations are up, the carols are being practised as I type this and the frozen world that greeted us all this morning can only mean one thing – it’s CHRISTMAS!
Christmas Cards
This week is the start of children brining in Christmas cards for their peers and staff. One aspect of this we would like to encourage is the recycling of envelopes, so we will be asking your children to place their envelopes in the recycling bins provided or in the large recycling box in the north lobby, rather than using the external bins.
Strep A
As I am sure you are all aware the situation regarding Strep A has been in the news a lot over the last few days. The County council have supplied a number of documents to assist parents in understanding the symptoms. I have attached these to this newsletter and encourage you all to read them in case your children show similar symptoms over the festive period.
Carol Concert
Thursday sees Key Stage 2 head to St Marys Church for our carol concert. This will begin at 2pm and we are very excited to be able to invite you all to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. The children will be walked down to the church and will be walked back to school by staff.
All children will be brought back to school after the concert, to collect their bags and lunch boxes etc. Please also be aware that the children may be late back to school after the concert (approx. 3:30pm).
If you are at the concert and have younger children to collect, please don’t worry, they will be held at school until you return.
Last Day of Term – Santa Run/Christmas Dinner/Christmas Jumpers
Friday is the last day of this term and we have a wonderful day of activities planned for your children. We start with our annual Santa run (weather permitting) where all pupils will be given the chance to complete laps of the school as we try and complete the 145 miles required to run across Lapland! Children will be able to arrive in school with their trainers on.
We will also be having our annual Christmas Jumper day. Therefore, children can wear a festive jumper instead of their usual school jumper. All remaining school uniform to be the same, this is not a non-school uniform day.
Finally, we will have worked up an appetite with all the running so we are having our Christmas dinner on that day. I’m sure you have got your orders in and the kitchen staff are already getting ready to feed over 600 of us! Reception to Year 4 will be eating their hot school dinner and those who are having packed lunches, in their classrooms with staff, whilst Year 5 and 6 will be having theirs in the hall.
It should be a fantastic day and the perfect end to the term.
A farewell
The end of this term sees us saying goodbye to a member of our staff. Mrs Harcourt has held a number of roles around the school during her 9 years with us, but most recently she has been a cornerstone of our SEN provision as she supports Mrs Cherrington and many of our pupils with speech and language. Her dedication to this area and the pupils she has worked with has been vital in ensuring they make progress and are able to access learning as well as their peers. She will be sorely missed but we wish her all the best in her future pursuits.
A Big Well Done!
Last week the school and Reception parents were entertained by our Nativity show. The Reception children were incredible in delivering the Christmas story in their very own ‘Wriggly’ way! It was a brilliant effort by them all and I know we all enjoyed the performances. Well Done Reception and all the staff connected with the show.
Inclement weather
As we have seen over the last few days, winter is certainly here and this can bring the issue of school closures. On that note, thank you to you all for making sure your children walked calmly into school this morning, We will continue to try and ensure that paths are clear but if you do end up on an untreated surface please take care.
We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision we will contact you in the following ways:
- Via School Gateway
- A message on our own School website
- We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website- https://schoolclosures.suffolk.gov.uk/
- We will be read out as closed on local radio-Suffolk FM
Parking at school and around school
I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people. It is vital the road is kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.
Quick reminders!
Don’t forget…
- One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
- Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
- For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
- Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
- Please name your child’s clothing
- Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during the holidays.
- Where possible, one adult should drop off/pick up your child. If you have elder siblings collecting your child please remind them to come alone and not with a group of friends.
And lastly,
Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Hadleigh CPS. We really do hope you all have a wonderful time during the festive break and enjoy spending time with your family and friends. We are very much looking forward to seeing all pupils return on Wednesday 4th January 2023!
Term Dates
Spring Term
PD Day: 3rd January (school closed to pupils)
Spring Term Begins: Wednesday 4th January 2023
Half Term: Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February
Spring Term Ends: Friday 31st March 2023
Summer Term
PD Day: 5th June (school closed to pupils)
Summer Term Begins: Monday 17th April 2023
Half Term: Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Summer Term Ends: Friday 21st July 2023