Year 1’s performance of “They don’t make ‘em like that anymore” on Wednesday 1st February has been postponed. It will now take place on Friday 3rd February. Tickets for Wednesday’s postponed show are now valid for Friday’s performance. If you cannot make Friday please contact the office. (Thursday’s performance is unaffected)

Family viewing of work

Due to the impending industrial action there will be no viewing of work in the main hall this term. Instead we will be sending your children home with their exercise books for you to share at home. Books will be sent home on Tuesday 31st January. All that we ask is that you look after the books, share them with your child and return them to school the next day.

Industrial Action: Wednesday 1st February

As you may well be aware, one of the teaching unions, the NEU, is planning industrial action on Wednesday 1st February. The action will result in part or whole school closures in many schools and we will be affected. 

Whilst members of unions do not have to inform the Headteacher of their intention to strike right up to the day of action, I am grateful that all teachers involved at HCPS will be letting me know in advance so I can then pass that information on to you. It is my intention to let you know more details this week.  Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster can be found on our school website to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

SEVERE weather

So far, so good…but there is still the possibility that we may have a period of severe weather.

We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision we will contact you in the following ways:

  • Via School Gateway
  • A message on our own School website
  • We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website-
  • We will be read out as closed on local radio.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people and Clopton Gardens.  It is vital the roads are kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • We are seeing an increasing number of children having chocolate sweets in their lunchboxes.  Please remember we are a ‘healthy eating school’. 
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during the holidays.
  • Where possible, one adult should drop off/pick up your child. If you have elder siblings collecting your child please remind them to come alone and not with a group of friends.

School Camp

It’s back! We are looking forward to taking Year 5 and 6 pupils camping in the summer term. Keep a look out for future correspondence!

School Listening Project

As you may know, our whole school listening focus for this half term are the film compositions of John Williams. Please feel free to listen along with us at home; we have put together a YouTube playlist to support this:

An activity you might like to try with these pieces is outlined below:

  1. You and your child both close your eyes and listen to part of the music.
  2. Ask your child what they imagine is happening on the screen.
  3. Did you imagine the same thing? If not, why not?

You could also try drawing pictures to match the music. The important thing is that there are no wrong answers – all thoughts and opinions about the music are valid.  Enjoy!


A reminder of expectations for homework in the key areas of reading, spellings and mathematics.


Year GroupReading
ReceptionShould read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
110 minutes 5 days a week
210-15 minutes 5 days a week
315 minutes 5 days a week
420 minutes 5 days a week
520 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term.


In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning. From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.

All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

Term Dates

Spring Term
Half Term: Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February
Spring Term Ends: Friday 31st March 2023

Summer Term

PD Day: 5th June (school closed to pupils)

Summer Term Begins: Monday 17th April 2023
Half Term: Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Summer Term Ends: Friday 21st July 2023

Dates for your diary: Spring Term 2023  

Thurs 26th JanSchool Council mtg
Fri 27th JanSwimming 6JP
Tues 31st JanYear 6 basketball festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:30pm Children’s exercise books sent home for parental viewing.
Weds 1st FebYear 5 parents’ Kingswood trip information (online presentation) available Industrial Action by NEU Children’s exercise books return to school
Thurs 2nd FebYear 2 Futsal festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10 – 12:30pm Year 1 play to parents (pm)
Fri 3rd FebYear 2 Multi-skills festival @HHS 9:15 – 11am Year 6 county Sports Hall Athletics @ Newmarket (TBC) Swimming 6JP Year 1 play to parents (pm)
Monday 6th FebChris Todd assemblies
Tuesday 7th FebSafer Internet Day:  Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online. Parent consultations (Late)
Wednesday 8th FebYear 6 SATs information online presentation available
Thursday 9th FebSchool Council mtg Year 2 Futsal festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:30pm Parent consultations (Early)
Friday 10th FebOTB assembly: Daniel and The Lions Swimming 6JP School breaks up for half term holiday
Tuesday 21st FebYear 5 Abby Ayre and the Shed of Science air quality and sustainable travel presentation. Governors: Resources Committee 6:30pm
Thurs 23rd FebSarah Clarke from FCC Environment in for Year 2 Recycling lesson 9:00am – 12 noon Year 4 dodgeball festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:15pm
Fri 24th FebSwimming 6AB
Mon 27th FebBOOK WEEK Year 5 & 6 Quicksticks Hockey festival @ RHS 3:30 – 6pm
Wed 1st MarchNational offer day for High School applications
Thurs 2nd MarchWorld Book Day
Fri 3rd MarchSwimming 6AB
Mon 6th MarchChoir to Snape Maltings Bryn Rickards assemblies
Wed 8th MarchYear 4 girls football festival @ ITFC 1 – 3:30pm
Thurs 9th MarchSchool Council mtg
Fri 10th MarchYear 3/4 Multi-skills festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11am OTB assembly: John’s story (Easter)
Mon 13th MarchBritish Science and Engineering week – theme ‘Connections’.
Tues 14th MarchYear 6 dodgeball festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:15pm
Thurs 16th MarchYear 5 to London – Tower Bridge and Tate Modern
Fri 17th MarchRed Nose Day Swimming 6AB
Mon 20th MarchFather Jo assemblies Shakespeare week Governors: Budget setting committee 6:30pm
Thurs 23rd MarchSchool Council mtg
Friday 24th MarchYear 6 girls tag rugby festival @ Ipswich Rugby Club 9:30 – 12 noon. Swimming 6AB
Monday 27th MarchChris Todd assemblies School council meeting FGB meeting: 6:30pm
Weds 29th MarchYear 5 performance poetry afternoon (to parents)
Thurs 30th MarchYear 5 performance poetry afternoon (to parents) Whole school photo 9:30am
Friday 31st MarchSkip into Spring event (throughout the day) Swimming 6AB Break up for the Easter holidays: return to school on Monday 17th April