As autumn approaches I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new families and their children to HCPS.

Reach for the Stars: Be the best you can be

We are determined at Hadleigh Community Primary School that all pupils achieve well and “Be the best they can be”. We encourage pupils to try hard and take pride in all aspects of their work.  To really succeed at school, pupils must also be self-motivated to be the best they can be and match our high expectations of all pupils’ attitudes to learning. When they do that, we seek to recognise their efforts. In classrooms and on the sports field all staff will be praising pupils for their attitude to learning and their efforts to be the best they can be when they flex their learning muscles!

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster can be found on our school website to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people and Clopton Gardens.  It is vital the roads are kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • If your child brings a packed lunch to school and they find swallowing difficult please cut up items such as grapes and cherry tomatoes to minimise choking hazards.
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during every school holiday.
  • If you have elder siblings collecting your child please remind them to come alone and not with a group of friends.
  • Please action your SeeSaw account for parents of children in year 1 to year 6.


A reminder of expectations for homework in the key areas of reading, spellings and mathematics.


Year GroupReading
ReceptionShould read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
110 minutes 5 days a week
210-15 minutes 5 days a week
315 minutes 5 days a week
420 minutes 5 days a week
520 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term.


In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning. From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.  All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

SEVERE weather

We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision we will contact you in the following ways:

  • Via School Gateway
  • A message on our own School website
  • We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website-
  • We will be read out as closed on local radio.

Term Dates

PD Day: Friday 20th October 2023 – school closed to pupils

Half Term: Monday 23th – Friday 27th October 2023

Autumn Term Ends: Wednesday 20th December 2023

PD Day: Wednesday 3rd January 2024 – school closed to pupils

Spring Term Begins: Thursday 4th January 2024

Half Term: Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February 2024

Spring Term Ends: Thursday 28th March 2024

PD Day: Friday 12th April 2024 – school closed to pupils

Summer Term Begins: Monday 15th April 2024

Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May 2024

Half Term: Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024

Summer Term Ends: Friday 19th July 2024

Dates for your diary: Autumn Term 2023  

Monday 2nd OctHarvest Festival Assembly
Thursday 5th OctNation Poetry Day – theme ‘refuge’
Friday 6th  Oct11-11.30am 6AB swimming
Monday 9th OctSchool Council Meeting
Tuesday 10th OctBooks to go home for parents/carers to view overnight. Books to be returned on Wednesday
Friday13th Oct11-11.30am 6AB swimming Open the Book assembly – The Earth shakes Year 2 to Felixstowe Beach
Tuesday 17th OctEarly parents evenings (virtual) Timings TBC
Thursday 19th OctLate parents’ evenings (virtual) timings TBC All Nursery children to Broom Hill am Children break up for half term Y3 to Bury St Edmunds Cathedral (tbc)
Half term 
Monday 30th OctSchool starts School Council meeting
Thursday 2nd NovY5 Viking visitor
Friday 3rd Nov11-11.30am 6AB swimming Open the Book assembly “Paul is Shipwrecked”
Monday 6th  NovFather Jo assembly
Thursday 9th NovMember of URC team leading assembly
Friday 10th Nov10.30am – Whole School Remembrance event 11-11.30am 6AB swimming
Monday 13th NovY6 Kingswood week
Tuesday 14th NovGovernors’ Resources committee 6.30pm (Virtual)
Wednesday 15th  NovY2 performance to parents pm
Thursday 16th NovY2 performance to parents pm
Friday 17th NovY6 children return from Kingswood 11:30 – 12:00: Swimming for Year 6 not at Kingswood Children in Need
Monday 20th NovChris Todd assembly School council meeting
Friday 24th Nov  Sibling photos in Small Hall 11– 11.30am 6AB swimming
Monday 27th NovMember of URC team to lead assembly
Friday 1st Dec11-11.30am 6EL swimming
Monday 4th DecSchool Council meeting
Tuesday 5th DecReception show pm to parents Full Governors meeting 6.30pm
Wednesday 6th DecReception show am to parents
Friday 8th Dec11-11.30am 6EL swimming Open the Book Assembly – The First Christmas
Tuesday 12th DecFlu vaccinations YR-6
Tuesday 19th DecCarol Service at St. Mary’s Church 2pm
Wednesday 20th DecLast day of term Santa Run am Nursery party am Christmas Lunch and Christmas jumpers (TBC)