A heartfelt thank you!

With the first steps out of lockdown now being taken we realise how much we have to be thankful for this year:

Thank you for all your support so far. We have been able to continue our activities through a very difficult time thanks to you and our local businesses!

Thank you if you support our lottery

Thank you if you supported our Christmas hampers.

Thank you if you supported our Christmas Card Project. Thank you if you supported our Easter Cake Competition. Thank you if you donated books

Thank you if your business has sponsored us this year.

Please continue to support our projects. Every penny we raise goes back to our children to help their education and their enjoyment of school.

How we have supported our school.

Did you know that the HSA has committed to raising £6000 a year for Hadleigh Community Primary School? Last year we fell a little short as fundraising was so restricted but we handed over £4000 in September to be distributed as needed by the school. This year, determined not to be beaten we have just presented a cheque for the full £6000!

We have raised funds to support our SEND team, purchased extra equipment in years 3-6, we have donated over 400 books to the school libraries as well as a series of over 40 phonics books to year 2. We have also made a large donation towards purchasing a new stage for all children to enjoy when life gets back to normal.

In addition to the financial support we also provided our children’s Christmas “Sweet Treats” during the last week of term as well as their class decorations. We were also able to provide and serve their refreshments after their wonderful Skip into Spring event. It was so lovely for us to be allowed back onto the premises to help out!

Lottery News

Congratulations to Nicki and Lynette, our February winners and Sharon and Karen who took our March prizes! We hope you enjoyed spending your money! Make sure you join our lottery next time round to ensure a chance of

winning. You have to be in it to win it!

Easter Cake Competition

We had some fabulous entries for our new Easter Cake Competition and were overwhelmed by the support we received from Terri at EriVica Cakes in the High Street. She found the entries very difficult to judge as so many children had put in so much effort. We had entries from Nursery right up to Year 6. A very excited Rose won in Year 2 and had her design made up into a stunning cake in time for Easter. She was very popular in her family as they were all able to share in her prize!

Terri very generously donated her time and talents to the HSA and did everything for free! She was so impressed by the entries that she wanted to donate a 2nd and 3rd prize of a set of Easter cupcakes which went to Shivahni and Catherine. She then went above and beyond donating individual cupcakes to 12 runners up. Certificates were also awarded and Terri displayed the entries in her shop window. Did you have time to take a look over the Easter Holidays?

School Shop

We got a new delivery of fleeces during lockdown and these have proved as popular as ever. We also have a good supply now of sweatshirts, cardigans, PE T- shirts and book bags. Although the school shop remains closed to visitors for the moment, we can still take orders via social media messages or via email HSA@hadcps.uk

Hadleigh Community Primary School HSA  

#ShopLocal: Local Business Sponsors:

HJ Structural Engineers Ltd.MW Partridges & Co. Ltd.The Marquis
SP Plumbing & BathroomsEriVica CakesHadleigh Maid
Masonic LodgeDouble Take Hair SalonAdnams
MBA Flue ServicesBellwood Construction Ltd.Andrews Butchers
Foresters Friendly SocietyHemisphere FreightSunny Day Cycleworks
The RamFork Kitchen & DeliJimmy’s Farm