What is Early Help?
Every family has its difficulties. Being a parent is hard work and there are no instructions. Sometimes, you or your children may need some extra support. This may be before your children are born, when they are very young, or throughout their school years. There is nothing to be ashamed of in asking for help.
Early Help describes the type of early intervention and support that can be provided when a child or young person’s needs are not being met by routine universal services, but do not meet the threshold for a specialist service such as Children’s Social Care. This process helps you recognise what is going well for you, where you may benefit from extra help, and who is the best person to work with you and your family to make this happen.
The Early Help offer is about working with partners to help children, young people and families deal with their issues as soon as possible; providing information, advice and services at the right time; supporting them to resolve their concerns as needs emerge.
Early Help is available for children and young people up to the age of 18 and their families and is voluntary, so if you do not think it is right for your child, then you do not have to consent to Early Help. Early Help support may include parenting, education, employment, healthy living and emotional wellbeing, managing finances, High Impact Family services, as well as preventing anti-social behaviour.
If you need any additional support, please come and have a chat with us here at school – You can speak to Eluned Beaumont-George (Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead), Gary Pilkington (Headteacher), Lynette Cherrington (SENCO) or your child’s teacher.
How Can We Help?
Our Early Help Offer includes:
- Breakfast Club
- After School Club
- Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) working within the school
- Learning Together sessions
- Lunchtime Play Leaders
- Induction sessions for children starting Reception
- Induction sessions for children starting Nursery
- High School Transition
- The school’s nursing team
- A range of intervention programmes run by SENCO or SENCO Assistant
- In-house safeguarding protocols (1 DSL, 1 ASL, 1 named Governor)
- External agency support (Behaviour support, Bereavement Counselling, Child Specific Interventions, FNM, CAF, FSP)
- Bespoke learning interventions e.g. reading, maths, phonics
Next Steps
If you feel that you and your family would benefit from Early Help, please come and talk to us in school and we will be very happy to help or consult the Parent Hub website at the following link – suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/the-parent-hub/