Dear Parents and Carers,
Hadleigh Community Primary School is pleased to announce the return of our wrap around care provision. Now that we have returned to the ‘new normal’, the school has been able to review our ability to provide our extended schools offer. The school understands how important this service is for working parents and carers and we are now able to provide you with the information about our wrap around care for the autumn term. This offer will be reviewed in December to ensure that it remains financially viable for the school. An earlier review may be necessary if government guidelines change. It is very important that you understand how our offer has changed to ensure that we comply with government guidelines and offer a COVID safe service.
The official guidance states that groups should be limited to 15 children and that these groups should remain consistent and socially distanced from any other groups. We also need to ensure that we limit the number of visitors to our site and that we limit the risk of cross infection.
Wrap around care will open at 7.45am on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 for pre-booked children only.
Our offer is as follows:
Early Birds
One EYFS and Key Stage 1 bubble of 15 children, this includes children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This will be based in the small hall.
One Key Stage 2 bubble of 15 children, this includes children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. This will be based in the main hall.
Due to the staggered start system at the beginning of the day there will be one drop off time only at the main blue gates. Start time is 7.45am. Any child who has not arrived by 7.50am will not be admitted, but you will still be charged for this session.
There will be no provision of food. You could however send your child with something to eat if necessary. Please remember that we are a nut free school. Water will be available to top up bottles.
One EYFS and Key Stage 1 bubble of 15 children, this includes children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This will be based in the small hall.
One Key Stage 2 bubble of 15 children, this includes children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. This will be based in the main hall.
There will only be two pick up times available and these will be from the main blue gates. If you miss the earlier time, you will have to return and pick up at the later time. These times are 4.30pm and 5.45pm. If you do not pick up your child by 4.35pm and have booked for the early session only, there will be an additional charge for the late stay. If you do not pick up your child by 5.50pm you will be charged a £5 late pick up fee.
There will be no provision of food. You could however send your child in with a packed tea. Please remember that we are a nut free school. Water will be available to top up bottles.
The groups must be kept consistent so bookings must be made and paid for at least a week in advance, and will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis. You can make bookings by contacting the school office and these will be closed each Friday at 2pm for the following week. You can book for the full term if spaces are available.
Please note: you are unable to make any bookings yourself using School Gateway, however payment is made via School Gateway.
There is no capacity for one off, or late bookings. For whatever reason if you are unable to pick your child up at the end of the day and are going to be late, you will need to make alternative arrangements.
Bookings must be paid for in advance.
Early Birds
Daily tariff: £3
4.30pm pick up – daily tariff: £3.75
5.45pm pick up – daily tariff: £7.50
You will not be charged if your child is absent through illness or the need to self-isolate.
If your child requires medication such as inhalers you will need to provide wrap around care with a spare one and the relevant completed forms, as we cannot take these from the class bubbles. Your child will be unable to attend, if the club does not have the required medication.
What will the club look like?
The staff will be offering outdoor activities and a small range of indoor activities as the need to clean resources frequently will limit what is available each day. Children in the Key Stage 2 bubble will be engaging in socially distanced activities. In the EYFS and Key Stage 1 bubble, children will mix more freely, but will be encouraged to socially distance where appropriate. Both clubs will be ensuring that good hand and respiratory hygiene practises are followed.
Your agreement with us
You will only attempt to send your child to the club if they have a booking, which has been paid for in advance. If your child’s name is not on the list of bookings or payment has not been received, your child will be refused entry.
You agree to staff checking your child’s temperature before they enter the club. If your child has a high temperature they will be refused admission.
You will not send your child if they or any member of your family are displaying any signs of having COVID 19;
- A high temperature
- A new, continuous cough (coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours)
- A loss or change of taste or smell
You understand and agree to follow government guidance regarding obtaining a test for your child if they are displaying COVID symptoms.
You will only drop off and pick up at the allocated times. Late arrivals in the morning will be refused and if you miss the earlier pick up time in the evening you will need to return at the later time and you will be charged for the extra session. You agree to pay the late pick up fee, where applicable.
You will provide the club with any necessary medication. Without the provision of this medication your child will be unable to attend the club.
You will provide the club with the details of at least two contacts, which can be called in an emergency.
You understand and agree to pick up your child as soon as possible if you are informed that your child is ill whilst attending the club.
You understand that it is your responsibility to provide food for your child, if you wish them to have a snack during these sessions.
It will be your choice as a parent, in discussion with any Key Stage 2 child about whether they would wish to wear a mask during the club sessions. The wearing of masks is not recommended for the younger children.
If a mask is to be worn, it must be clean and if it is a washable mask your child needs to be provided with a bag, or container to store it in. The club will not be providing children with masks.
Your child agrees to
Follow the rules regarding good respiratory and hand hygiene practises.
In the Key Stage 2 group adhere to social distancing guidance when mixing with children from other year groups.
If your Key Stage 2 child decides to wear a mask, they must follow the guidance for the safe usage and storage or disposal of their mask.
As a parent/carer you understand that if you or your child are unable to follow these rules then the school retains the right to refuse your child admission to the wrap around care provision.
It is vitally important that you agree to adhere to the rules of the club in order to ensure the safety of the staff and children within the club and also the school community as a whole. By choosing to take up a place at the club, you are agreeing to the above terms.
If you have any further questions please call the school office.
Our aim is to provide each child with the opportunity to play, learn and have fun in a safe environment.
All children are given the opportunity to participate in planned activities but are also free to use their time with us to choose their own activities, under the care and guidance of our experienced staff.
Early Birds Club
What do we do at Early Birds club?
There will be a selection of games to play, and activities to enjoy. Or just the opportunity to chat with your friends in a safe environment.
Who is it for?
Any pupil at Hadleigh Community Primary School aged 4-11. There will be a maximum of 43 children.
What is it?
A supervised before school club for children whose parents need to be at work, college etc. earlier than allowed by normal school hours.
When is it open?
Every school day between 7.30am and 8.50am.
How much does it cost?
7.30am – 8.50am = £4.50
7.45am – 8.50am = £4.00
Both options will include a breakfast snack of toast, fruit and a drink. Any cancellations made after 12pm on Monday for the week ahead will still be payable.
Where is it?
In the Small Hall or Key Stage 1 classroom with access to toilets, washbasins and storage space for the club’s own equipment.
How do we join?
Please use the application form linked below.
How do we book in?
Places must be pre-booked through School Gateway 3 days in advance. Regular bookings will be given preference, and thereafter on a first-come-first-served basis.
How do we pay?
All payments are to be made via School Gateway.
Who will look after the children?
There will always be appropriately qualified staff on hand to look after the children.
How is the club managed?
The staff will be supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body. All school policies and codes of behaviour will apply.
Owls Club
What do we do at Owls club?
There will be a selection of games to play, and activities to enjoy. There is also the opportunity to chat with your friends in a safe, secure and caring environment.
A healthy snack will be provided.
Who is it for?
Any pupil at Hadleigh Community Primary School aged 4-11. There will be a maximum of 38 children.
What is it?
A supervised after school club for children whose parents need to be at work, college etc. later than allowed by normal school hours.
When is it open?
Monday to Friday, from 3.15pm and 6pm, during term time.
How much does it cost?
Prices start from £4.00 – £7.25 per day. Please see School Gateway. 48 hours notification is required for cancellation of dates otherwise you will be charged for the session.
Where is it?
In the Small Hall or Key Stage 1 classroom with access to toilets, washbasins and storage space for the club’s own equipment.
How do we join?
Please use the application form linked below.
How do we book in?
Places must be pre-booked through School Gateway 3 days in advance. Regular bookings will be given preference, and thereafter on a first-come-first-served basis.
Short notice bookings will only be permitted if a space is available and if a booking form is completed and payment made.
How do we pay?
All payments are to be made via School Gateway.
Who will look after the children?
There will always be appropriately qualified staff on hand to look after the children.
How is the club managed?
The staff will be supported by the Headteacher and Governing Body. All school policies and codes of behaviour will apply.
Page under review.
If you have any queries, please visit our Contact Page