Our aim is to provide a high quality, up to date Computing curriculum that enables children to develop their understanding and skills through clear progression. They will be able to develop their problem solving strategies in various contexts, including practical experience and build upon their creativity to express themselves through different technology. Pupils will also be prepared in understanding how to be responsible digital citizens. All of this will contribute to aiding them to grow up in a digital world and succeed in their future workplace.

Each year group teaches skills across the areas of Online Safety, Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology making a variety of links to other areas in the curriculum. We use the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Computing as well as the Suffolk progression plans as the main basis for these skills. Our plans and resources are reviewed regularly so that our teaching and the pupils’ learning remains appropriately challenged and relevant to the changes in technology.

Information Technology

Online Safety

As more devices are used with access to online content, online safety is one of the most crucial areas in which to educate children.  Pupils will learn how to use technology to communicate with others in a way that keeps themselves and others safe and happy. Children will understand the risks of being online and how to minimise those risks with the information they share and using age appropriate materials. They will know different ways to report problems. The annual Safer Internet day is also promoted through the school.

Computer networks

Pupils explain and understand how different elements in a network work. They find out how they are used and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages as well as how the technology has changed over time.


With opportunities to enhance their topic work, pupils learn how a search works and different ways in which to carry out a search safely and effectively. They are taught how to select only appropriate materials for their purpose and then reference them appropriately and legally.

Digital Literacy

Children learn to communicate information in different ways through Word processing, Publisher, photography, video, microphones, PowerPoint, Data handling, Spreadsheets, and websites.

Computer Science

In a world that uses so much technology in its everyday life and where new ideas are always being developed, the coding area of the curriculum is one of the most important as it develops children’s understanding of how and why things work, preparing them for the future. With strong links to investigating and problem solving strategies in Science and Maths children learn what an algorithm is and different ways to plan them. Children discover different ways to sequence steps to complete an action whilst using different functions (loops for example).

An after school club is available for children in KS2 where they can explore and learn from each other, creating animations and games.

In each year group these areas are reinforced and developed to produce children who are responsible, confident and creative with today’s technology.

To enable us to do this we have a variety of equipment such as Beebots, Lego Wedo and microphones. There are three laptop trolleys, each device equipped with a range of resources including Scratch and Purple Mash to use when coding and there is also a class set of iPads. Both laptops and iPads are not only used to teach the Computing curriculum, but to also enhance all other areas of learning across the school.

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