At HCPS, mathematics is taught in the mastery style* that provides the children with a greater focus on reasoning, fluency and problem solving. Pupils participate in daily lessons which include a range of teaching strategies, developing from the use of concrete apparatus (e.g. Dienes, Numicon and Place Value Counters) to pictorial representations (e.g. Bar Models, Part Part Whole, Arrays) before moving onto the abstract methods which include formal written calculations.
Throughout the year, the children will develop their understanding and knowledge of many mathematical concepts – number, place value, fractions, algebra, geometry, measure and statistics.
Each lesson contains teacher lead learning followed by independent work, rounded off with a challenge to consolidate the day’s learning. Children will be introduced to new concepts through coherent small steps, which consolidate and build on their previous learning.
Throughout their mathematics lessons, the children are encouraged to use the correct mathematical terminology and share their ideas and reasoning about what they are learning. Children use both self and peer assessment as well as receiving feedback from teachers and teaching assistants. This assessment is then used to ensure that the needs of the children are met within lessons.
Where necessary, pupils that are still struggling with a concept will have further opportunity for intervention, enabling them to develop a secure understanding of the mathematical curriculum. Regular challenges are posed for those children who have mastered a concept at a greater depth, enabling them to demonstrate their deeper understanding through reasoning, problem solving and making connections to prior learning.
Pupils are exposed to a range of opportunities to apply the skills they have developed in their mathematics lessons, in other areas of the curriculum. This encourages them to recognise that mathematics exists in the world around them and it is to be explored and enjoyed.