In Reception children are split into classes and have a dedicated class base and teacher. The Reception timetable is designed so that the children have opportunities for specific class time during the day and also free-flow opportunities where the children from the different classes mix and access all the areas of the unit both inside and outdoors.

In Reception the children will have a phonics and maths session daily, as well as opportunities to read and for the children to listen to a story or share an interesting text or rhyme.

All the children in EYFS have the opportunity to have sessions with the school’s specialist Music and PE teachers. Children in Reception also have regular opportunities to visit the onsite woodland to take part in Forest School type activities.

thumbnail of Reception booklet 2023-24
Reception Booklet 2023-24
thumbnail of DOC-EYFS-Policy-2023-24
EYFS Policy 2023-24
thumbnail of Reception Overview 2024-2025
Reception Overview 2024-2025
thumbnail of DOC-2023-24-Reception-Intimate-Care-Procedure
Reception Intimate Care Procedure 2023-24