We conducted a Health and School Sport related Questionnaire supported by the Youth Sport Trust. This involved all of the Key Stage 2 pupils. We wanted to find out pupil perceptions of PE, School Sports clubs, breaktime activities, lunchtime activities and activities outside of school. From this data, we would be able to look closer at the needs of our pupils in Health and School Sport.
Pupil PE, Sport and Health-Related Attitude Questionnaire results completed by the whole of Key Stage 2
(285 Completed Questionnaires)

From these results, we have introduced many new initiatives to support the pupils feedback. This has included introducing ‘we are learning to…’ objective boards in P.E lessons and looking closely at the success criteria for lessons, enabling pupils to learn more effectively in P.E. During breaktimes and lunchtimes, a full programme of activities and sport leader led programmes are run daily to promote and maximise activities during their breaks. To continue promotion and links to the community sports clubs, we have information now available for the pupils to view on advertising boards around the new ‘Stadium of Stars’ astro pitch.