At Hadleigh Community Primary School we believe that nutrition plays a vital part in the children’s general health, well-being and ability to learn effectively.

The school has opted out of the County meals service, enabling us to have greater control over the quality of meals that we provide. All meals are home-made, sourced from local suppliers and use fresh ingredients. There is always a vegetarian option.

School meals are cooked on the premises and are of a very high standard. You are welcome to come and sample them! Our Catering Manager is happy to discuss any particular dietary requirements should they be necessary for health reasons. Children in Reception classes receive appropriately-sized portions.

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School Lunch Menu

We comply with the Government’s recommendation for a balance of fruit, vegetable, protein and carbohydrate. We do not use GM ingredients.

Children may bring a packed lunch for their midday meal in a clearly-named container.

Sweets, chocolates, fizzy or artificially-sweetened drinks are not acceptable, as they do not comply with our healthy eating policy. Water is always available at lunch times. If you provide a drink we ask that it is water or fruit juice.

As many children in school suffer from severe allergic reaction to nuts, please do not include items made with nuts in your child’s packed lunch. This includes Nutella and peanut butter.

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Nursery Lunch Menu

Mid-morning Snacks

For mid-morning snacks we encourage the children to eat fruit or vegetables. You may wish to provide these snacks for yourself but the school runs a fruit stall which sells a variety of goods e.g. apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, sultanas, carrots etc. for up to 20p.

Sweets, nuts, biscuits or crisps are not permitted.

We participate in the free fruit and vegetable scheme which provides children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 with a free piece of fruit or veg each day.

Water can be obtained from drinking fountains that are located in the playground. Children may bring a named, closed-top/sports top (to prevent spillages), plastic water bottle to school. This drink will always be available to them. It should contain water without any flavourings or additives.

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Allergen Information