Governors are responsible for setting the school’s vision and strategic direction, for holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team to account for educational performance, and for ensuring the School’s money is spent well.
It’s been a busy term for Governors. We started the term with a full governor training session delivered by Schools Choice on the new Ofsted Framework and a few weeks later had a session to consider the school’s ethos, vision and aims and whether what is published is still appropriate. The consensus was that it largely is, but perhaps with a few tweaks in some areas to reflect how our school operates and what it aims to achieve today and going forward. Those changes will be updated on the website and publications in due course.
We have also been supporting the school with the School Development Plan, a summary version of which you can find on the website under the Policies section. Many of our monitoring visits this term have been arranged around this. The Governor Action Plan is also now updated and available on the website, so please feel free to take a look to see what we aim to achieve over the forthcoming months.
Thank you to all of those who stopped to talk with us at the Consultation evenings back in October and take part in the Parent/Carer survey. We had a fantastic response rate with over 100 surveys completed. If you didn’t get a chance to complete a survey, we would welcome your views and you can complete a survey at anytime at We are now busy collating all of the data and will feedback to you in due course with the results.
In the New Year we are hoping to launch a Head and Chair open morning every term, providing you with the opportunity to come along and meet us and discuss any matters you would like to. In the meantime, we would like to wish all staff, pupils, families and volunteers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!