Governors are responsible for setting the school’s vision and strategic direction, for holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team to account for educational performance, and for ensuring the School’s money is spent well.

Welcome to:

  • James Baalham – LA Governor, elected 11 July 2019
  • Matt Paisley – Parent Governor, elected 11 July 2019
  • Mike Finch – Co-Opted Governor, elected 12 July 2019

Farewell to:

Brendan Clancy and Chris Herron – Brendan and Chris have served 4 and 8 years respectively and contributed much in that time. We thank them for their service and wish them well.

Focus: What have we done this term?

  • Hosted the BBQ stall at the school fete
  • Carried out a monitoring visit reviewing the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision
  • Invigilated at SATS exams
  • Visited camp to see the fun and adventure the children get to experience
  • Observed a Maths Mastery class being delivered
  • Met with the school’s Standards and Excellence Officer who was assessing the Early Years provision
  • Attended training on Safeguarding matters
  • Carried out Safeguarding checks on the school
  • Reviewed the school’s compliance with GDPR legislation

Future Plans:

Governors are in the process of arranging training for next term so they can better understand the new Ofsted Framework and Curriculum which comes into place in September, and we are also working on creating a Governor Action Plan to focus our attention on key areas.