The school has an onsite Nursery which takes one intake per year and which currently has 52 places in the morning, split between 2 nursery classes both lead by a qualified teacher. The children are able to alternate their sessions between our traditional nursery building and our Forest School nursery. We also have the capacity to offer 39 places during our afternoon session, primarily for those children whose families are eligible for the 30-hour funding. Further information can be found in the Nursery Admissions Policy (attached below). The Nursery sessions run from 8.30am to 11.30am with a paid Lunch Club running from 11.30am-12.30pm. For those children adding afternoon sessions the timings are 12.30pm to 3.30pm. There is also the opportunity for Nursery children to attend wrap around care from 7.45am until 5.45pm.

thumbnail of NURSERY OPEN DAY QR 16.03.2024_converted
Nursery Open Day Flyer

Please click on the following link to complete the induction form for your child/children:

Our Nursery Team

thumbnail of WEBSITE Nursery Booklet 2023-24
Nursery Booklet
thumbnail of Hedgehogs Nursery Admisions Policy 2024-25 academic year
Hedgehogs Nursery Admissions Policy 24-25
thumbnail of DOC-2023-24-Hedgehogs-Nursery-Intimate-Care-Procedure
Nursery Intimate Care Procedure 2023-24
thumbnail of DOC-EYFS-Policy-2023-24
EYFS Policy 2023-24
thumbnail of Nursery overview 2024-25
Nursery Curriculum Overview 2024-25