Ofsted report

Please find attached a copy of our latest Ofsted report following our inspection on 7th and 8th July 2021. The inspector concluded that Hadleigh Community Primary School continues to be a Good School. He highlighted many positives and some aspects for further development. I would like to express my thanks to those of you who took the time to respond to the inspection questionnaire; to all staff who, despite the incredibly challenging academic year, impressed the inspectors with their professionalism and the quality of education provided, and finally, to all pupils who impressed the inspector with their “exemplary behaviour.”


Thank you for your patience and understanding as we adapt back to some sense of normality in school. As you can imagine it has been challenging to get 530 pupils into school in a 15-minute period. Please read the information below carefully which details changes to the morning and afternoon routine that will ease congestion and speed up the process of pupils arriving at and leaving school. The back gate will be open and you will no longer need to follow the traffic cone pathways across the top playground, but please continue to access the patio and oval playgrounds via the slope and return to the top playground “up the steps”. (The traffic cone pathways remain in use during school time.)

Dropping off
The front and back gates will open at 8:40 am and close at 9:00 am
Reception/Year 1/Year 3 From the front gate Please make your way to the patio playground via the slope.You do not need to follow the traffic cone pathway across the top playground but please do reach the patio playground via the slope. Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly via the steps up to the top playground or via the hall side gate if you have a pushchair. From the back gatePlease make your way to the patio playground across the oval playground and drop your child off.Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly.   Year 2/Year 4/Year 5/Year 6 From the front gate You no longer need to walk around the top playground. Please enter the top playground, taking care to move onto the top playground and not blocking the entrance to school, and send your child in. Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly. From the back gate Please make your way up to the top playground across the oval and patio playgrounds and up the steps then send your child into school.Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly exiting the top playground via the slope. To remember Only one adult should drop off/pick up your child.Your child is expected to be in class by 8:55am. Registers will close at 9:00am and any children arriving after the close of registers will receive a late mark. At all times, no parents/carers are allowed in the school building.Bicycles and scooters can be left on site.
Picking up
The front and back gates will open at 3:00pm and close at 3:30pm
Finish times: Reception, Y1 and Y2 – 3:15pm. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 – 3:20pm.
Reception/Year 1/Year 3 From the front gate Please make your way to the patio playground via the slope. You do not need to follow the traffic cone pathway across the top playground but please do reach the patio and oval playgrounds via the slope. Collect your child and then please leave the school site promptly via the steps up to the top playground or via the hall side gate if you have a pushchair. From the back gatePlease make your way to the patio and oval playgrounds. Once collected, please leave the school site promptly. Do not allow your child to play on any of the areas of the school field such as the jungle run, the dugout, the woods, and the astro. These are our learning spaces; please do not allow your children to play on your way home as considerable time is lost, particularly by Mrs Lee and Mr Peters, putting resources back where they belong.Please respect our neighbours and park with consideration.   Year 2/Year 4/Year 5/Year 6 From the front gate Please wait for your child on the top playground and leave the school site promptly when collected.Please use the whole of the top playground to wait on, easing pressure on the congested space near the small hall/large blue gates. From the back gate Please make your way up to the top playground across the oval and patio playgrounds and up the steps. Once collected, please leave the school site promptly exiting the top playground via the slope.   To remember This is the opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher if you need to discuss something – alternatively use Seesaw/Tapestry, remembering your child’s teacher will only read/reply between 8.00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you have an urgent message, please contact the school office.If you have children to collect from two or more different year groups at the same time, the class teacher will supervise your child until you come to collect.

Welcome back

We would like to extend a warm welcome to families who are new to our school. We have 12 new pupils who have joined us from other schools, 74 children who have started school in the Reception year and 47 in our Nursery class – so a big warm welcome to you all. Also, a warm welcome is extended to our new members of staff: Mrs Beaman, Ms Creasey, Mrs Gray, Mr Hodgkinson, Mrs Perry and Mrs Proctor.

Reach for the Stars: Be the best you can be

We are determined at Hadleigh Community Primary School that all pupils achieve well and “Be the best they can be”. We encourage pupils to try hard and take pride in all aspects of their work.  To really succeed at school, pupils must also be self-motivated to be the best they can be and match our high expectations of all pupils’ attitudes to learning. When they do that, we seek to recognise their efforts.  In classrooms and on the sports field, all staff will be praising pupils for their attitude to learning and their efforts to be the best they can be when they flex their learning muscles!

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster will follow this newsletter to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use -trainers
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • Medication – if you took it home for the summer holidays

From Monday 6th September, on the days listed below, children can attend school in FULL PE KIT. (Tracksuits may be worn over PE kits – shorts must be worn underneath)

Year 1Monday
Year 2Thursday
Year 3Tuesday
Year 4Wednesday
Year 5Monday
Year 6Wednesday

Continue to follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and confirmed cases of COVID-19

When an individual develops COVID-19 symptoms or has a positive test they should follow public health advice on when to self-isolate and what to do. Children should not come into school if they have symptoms, have had a positive test result or other reasons requiring them to stay at home due to the risk of them passing on COVID-19 (for example, they are required to quarantine).

If any child in school develops COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, we will send them home and the family should follow public health advice.

Children are not required to self-isolate if they live in the same household as someone with COVID-19, or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19.

Dates for your diary

Friday 17th September6B swimming Applicants for School Council to have handed in their applications by now.
Monday 20th SeptemberChris Todd assembly Full governors’ meeting at 6.30pm
Wednesday 22nd SeptemberYear 2 to Felixstowe
Thursday 23rd SeptemberSchool council meeting
Friday 24th September6B swimming
Monday 27th SeptemberOpen The Book assembly: The Good Shepherd
Thursday 30th SeptemberIndividual photos
Friday 1st October6DP swimming
Monday 4th OctoberBryn Rickards assembly: Harvest Festival
Thursday 7th  OctoberNational Poetry Day – theme ‘Choice’ The 2 Johns in for e-safety presentation KS2
Friday 8th October6DP swimming
Monday 11th   OctoberJo Delfgou assembly
Tuesday 12th OctoberParental viewing of work 3:30 – 5:30pm
Wednesday 13th OctoberParental viewing of work 6 – 8pm
Friday 15th October6P swimming
Monday 18th OctoberOpen The Book assembly: David and the Giant Slayer School council meeting
Wednesday 20th OctoberEarly parents’ evening (virtual)
Thursday 21st OctoberYear 3 to Ipswich Museum Late parents’ evening (virtual) All of Nursery to Polstead Woods am    
Friday 22nd October6P swimming Children break up for half term.
Half term
Monday 1st NovemberPD Day
Tuesday 2nd NovemberChildren return to school Science focus week
Wednesday 3rd NovemberResources committee 4:30pm
Monday 8th  NovemberChris Todd assembly
Tuesday 9th  NovemberY5 Viking visit for the day
Thursday 11th NovemberWhole school Remembrance event School council meeting
Friday 12th NovemberChildren In Need (Date tbc)
Monday 15th NovemberOpen the Book: The Burning Bush Y6 visit to Kingswood, Overstrand Hall (all week)
Friday 19th NovemberY6 return from Kingswood, Overstrand Hall
Monday 22nd NovemberJo Delfgou assembly
Thursday 25th NovemberSchool council meeting
Friday 26th NovemberY4 to Norwich Castle (TBC)
Monday 6th DecemberReception show to school pm
Tuesday 7th DecemberReception show am Full Governors meeting 6.30pm
Wednesday 8th DecemberReception show pm
Thursday 9th DecemberChristmas Lunch & Christmas jumper day
Monday 13th DecemberOpen the Book: The Christmas Story
Thursday 16th DecemberChristmas Carol Service 2pm at St Mary’s Church Christmas sing song in Nursery am
Friday 17th DecemberNursery party am/pm End of Autumn term – children return Wednesday 5th Jan 2022