Newsletter 12th December 2024

Dear Parents/Carers

It was lovely to see so many of you kindly supporting the school Christmas fayre and our thanks to the HSA and the staff who worked hard to ensure the success of this community event.

We are nearing the end of the Autumn term and below you will find the arrangements for the last week before the Christmas holiday.


  • Reception Nativity Performance – gates open Friday 13th Dec 9.50am, performance at 10am.
  • Reception Nativity Performance – gates open Monday 16th Dec 2pm, performance at 2.10pm.

  • Children can give out their Christmas cards from Mon 9thth Dec (surnames and classes are helpful)
  • Christmas Dinner – Friday 20th Dec
  • Carol Service (KS2) – Thursday 19th Dec 2pm (St. Mary’s Church)
  • Nursery party Thursday 19th Dec (see Tapestry for more information)
  • Last day of term Friday 20th Dec Santa run, non-uniform and Christmas jumper day, but children must wear trainers
  • Spring term starts Tues 7th Jan 2025

Christmas Cards – from Monday 9th December

From Monday 9th December, children are welcome to bring in Christmas cards to distribute. We would like to encourage the recycling of envelopes, so we will be asking your children to place their envelopes in the classroom recycling bins provided rather than using the external bins. It would help us enormously if you could remind them. Children will be able to “give out” their cards before and after school and during break and lunch. It is helpful to include surnames and classes.

Christmas Dinner, non-uniform and Christmas jumper day – Friday 20th December

Friday 20th December is our annual Christmas Dinner and Christmas jumper day. Children can wear a festive jumper and “festive decorations – hats and tinsel.” It is also the morning of the Santa Run so children can wear non-school uniform, but must wear trainers.

Our wonderful kitchen staff are already getting ready to feed over 600 of us! Nursery will be having a wonderful time in the small hall and Reception will be in their area respectively whilst the remainder of the school (Y1 to Y6) will be eating their delicious meals and packed lunches in the school hall. Much music and merriment for all will accompany lunch!

Please note ALL children will be automatically allocated and charged for a Christmas meal, please contact the school office if you do NOT wish your child to receive one.

Carol Service KS2 – Thursday 19th December, St Marys Church 2:00pm

Tuesday 19th December sees KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) head to St Mary’s Church for our carol service. This will begin at 2pm and we are very excited to be able to invite you all to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. The children will be walked down to the church and will be walked back to school by staff.

All children will be brought back to school after the service, to collect their bags and lunch boxes etc. Please also be aware that the children may be late back to school after the service (approx. 3:30pm).  If you are at the service and have younger children to collect, please don’t worry, they will be held at school until you return.

Last Day of Term – Santa Run

Friday 20th December is the last day of this term and we start with our annual Santa run (weather permitting) where all pupils will be given the chance to complete laps of the school as we try and complete the miles required to run across Lapland! They might even be allowed to run down a school corridor! Children can be in non-uniform but must wear trainers.

It should be a fantastic day and the perfect end to the term.

Inclement weather

We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision, we will contact you in the following ways:

  • Via Arbor
  • A message on our own School website
  • We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website-
  • We will be read out as closed on local radio.

Parking at school and around school

I would like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people and our near neighbours in Clopton Gardens. Please do not block driveways.  It is vital the road is kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend school via our back gates which are located through Clopton Gardens. We are advising the many neighbours who call the school, to contact the Police to report inconsiderate parking.

Can I also remind you to not park on the verge opposite school – this makes it exceptionally difficult for families to stay safe, many children having to go out into the road to get past. Please think of others and the possible consequences of your actions when you choose where to park.

And finally……. please can I also remind you that the Staff Car Park is not for parents use (unless we have an agreement with you) as we are very limited with parking spaces.  If you are dropping off or collecting your child early from school, please park considerately in the surrounding area. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall and lunchboxes. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during the holidays.
  • Shoulder length hair must be tied back.
  • When the gates open at 8.30am only families with children being dropped off at Nursery should be entering the playground. Parents with children from other year groups should wait until the gates are fully open at 8.40am. All children should be in their classrooms by 8.50am.
  • Please ensure your children does not ride their scooter or bike in the playground.
  • Year 1 and Year 3 parents – please remain on the oval playground at collection time. Please do not wait on the patio playground. It is becoming increasingly difficult for teachers to ensure children are passed on to you safely as some parents greet their children before the teacher has had the opportunity to dismiss them.

“Have you seen this?” noticeboard

Please refer to the noticeboard on the small hall wall for important events, dates, letters etc. which you may have missed during the week.  This is regularly updated, so please do take the time to check it.  Also, please remember to check our website under News and Events/Calendar as all important dates are regularly updated.

And lastly,

Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Hadleigh CPS. We really do hope you all have a wonderful time during the festive break and enjoy spending time with your family and friends. We are very much looking forward to seeing all pupils return on Tuesday 7th Jan 2025.

Term Dates

PD Day: Monday 6th January 2025
Spring Term Begins: Tuesday 7th January 2025

Half Term: Monday 17th – Friday 21st February 2025

Spring Term Ends: Friday 4th April 2025

PD Day: Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Summer Term Begins: Wednesday 23rd April 2025

Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May 2025

Half Term: Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May 2025

Summer Term Ends: Tuesday 22nd July 2025

Newsletter 28th June 2024

Class organisation 2023-2024

Please find below a table detailing the organisation of class year groups for 2024-2025

The table informs you which year group individual teachers will be teaching in next year.

In your child’s report pack which you will receive at the start of week commencing 15th July, you will be notified which specific class your child will be in.

On Tuesday 16th July between 3.30pm and 4.30pm, you will have the opportunity to “meet the teacher” and visit your child’s classroom in readiness for September.  This is an informal meeting so please come along at your convenience.  All children will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher earlier that day. 

Year Group Teachers Year Group Teachers
Nursery Mrs Lee
Miss Horwood
Year 3
3 classes
Miss Cook/Mr Pilkington
Mrs Cocks and Mrs Sparrow
Miss Hoyles
3 classes
Mrs Sparrow and Mrs Loveys
Mrs Bodsworth
Miss Squirrell
Year 4
3 classes
Mrs Pipe
Miss Francis
Miss Ward
Year 1
3 classes
Miss Baker
Miss Shemming
Miss Rumsey
Year 5
3 classes
Mrs Ragan
Mrs Peters
Mrs Bewsher/Mrs Gunson
Year 2
3 classes
Mrs Last
Mrs Blewitt
Miss Riddleston
Year 6
3 classes
Mr Banham
Miss Bridgewater
Miss Langford

As you may have noticed Mrs Beaumont-George does not have a teaching commitment and will be replaced by Mrs Sparrow (who also job shares with Mrs Cocks in year 3) and Mrs Loveys in Reception. Instead, she is taking the post of Acting Deputy Headteacher because….

Mr Dadds is leaving.

Following his secondment in the spring term, he has now successfully secured his first Headship at Clifford Road Primary School from September 2024. We wish him every success in his new role.

As you may also have noticed, Miss Mills is leaving us in July to take up a teaching position at Chelmondiston Church of England Primary School. We wish her every success. Joining us in year 4 will be Miss Ward who has recently completed her teacher training with us.

Also leaving us at the end of this academic year are Mrs Bray and Mrs Grimsey.

We thank Mr Dadds, Miss Mills, Mrs Bray and Mrs Grimsey for their wonderful contributions to our school community.

Term Dates

Summer Term Ends: Friday 19th July 2024

Academic year 2024-25
PD Days: Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Autumn Term Begins: Wednesday 4th September 2024
PD Day: Friday 25th October 2024
Half Term: Monday 28th – Friday 1st November 2024

Autumn Term Ends: Friday 20th December 2024
PD Day: Monday 6th January 2025

Spring Term Begins: Tuesday 7th January 2025
Half Term: Monday 17th – Friday 21st February 2025

Spring Term Ends: Friday 4th April 2025
PD Day: Tuesday 22nd April 2025

Summer Term Begins: Wednesday 23rd April 2025
Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May 2025
Half Term: Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May 2025

Summer Term Ends: Tuesday 22nd July 2025

Dates for your diary

Thursday 4th July Year 6 visit to Duxford 6:30 pm Full governing body meeting
Friday 5th July 9:30 -11:30  Nursery and Reception Sports Day 5GB Swimming
Monday 8th July Nursery and Reception Sports Day RESERVE DATE
Tuesday 9th July 9:30 – 12:15 Year 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day
Wednesday 10th July 9:30 – 12:15 Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day
Thursday 11th July Sports day RESERVE DATE (Yrs 1,2, 3 or 4,5,6)
Friday 12th July Sports day RESERVE DATE (Yrs 1,2, 3 or 4,5,6)
Monday 15th July School reports out 2:30 pm Year 3 performance 6:30 pm Year 3 performance
Tuesday 16th July Children meet their new teacher in the morning 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm “Meet the Teacher”
Thursday 18th July Nursery “end of year” party 4:30 pm Reception HSA Disco (timings TBC) 6:30 pm Year 6 Leavers Disco (timings TBC)
Friday 19th July 9:15 am Whole school end of year assembly 2:40 pm Year 6 Leavers assembly followed by Guard of Honour.

Lost Property

Please can you start checking the lost property rails by the small hall.  Towards the end of term, we will be taking the unclaimed uniform to the charity shops or reselling in our second-hand uniform sale.  We also have a number of pairs of children’s glasses in the school office, please do pop along to check if they could be your child’s.

New National Framework for School Fixed Penalty Notices

The Department for Education are introducing a new national framework from 19 August 2024 for school fixed penalty notices, which will mean all councils have the same rules in place for when they need to consider a fine.

The flow chart below summarises the changes.

Newsletter 29th September 2023

As autumn approaches I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new families and their children to HCPS.

Reach for the Stars: Be the best you can be

We are determined at Hadleigh Community Primary School that all pupils achieve well and “Be the best they can be”. We encourage pupils to try hard and take pride in all aspects of their work.  To really succeed at school, pupils must also be self-motivated to be the best they can be and match our high expectations of all pupils’ attitudes to learning. When they do that, we seek to recognise their efforts. In classrooms and on the sports field all staff will be praising pupils for their attitude to learning and their efforts to be the best they can be when they flex their learning muscles!

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster can be found on our school website to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people and Clopton Gardens.  It is vital the roads are kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • If your child brings a packed lunch to school and they find swallowing difficult please cut up items such as grapes and cherry tomatoes to minimise choking hazards.
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during every school holiday.
  • If you have elder siblings collecting your child please remind them to come alone and not with a group of friends.
  • Please action your SeeSaw account for parents of children in year 1 to year 6.


A reminder of expectations for homework in the key areas of reading, spellings and mathematics.


Year Group Reading
Reception Should read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
1 10 minutes 5 days a week
2 10-15 minutes 5 days a week
3 15 minutes 5 days a week
4 20 minutes 5 days a week
5 20 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6 As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term.


In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning. From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.  All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

SEVERE weather

We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision we will contact you in the following ways:

  • Via School Gateway
  • A message on our own School website
  • We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website-
  • We will be read out as closed on local radio.

Term Dates

PD Day: Friday 20th October 2023 – school closed to pupils

Half Term: Monday 23th – Friday 27th October 2023

Autumn Term Ends: Wednesday 20th December 2023

PD Day: Wednesday 3rd January 2024 – school closed to pupils

Spring Term Begins: Thursday 4th January 2024

Half Term: Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February 2024

Spring Term Ends: Thursday 28th March 2024

PD Day: Friday 12th April 2024 – school closed to pupils

Summer Term Begins: Monday 15th April 2024

Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May 2024

Half Term: Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024

Summer Term Ends: Friday 19th July 2024

Dates for your diary: Autumn Term 2023  

Monday 2nd Oct Harvest Festival Assembly
Thursday 5th Oct Nation Poetry Day – theme ‘refuge’
Friday 6th  Oct 11-11.30am 6AB swimming
Monday 9th Oct School Council Meeting
Tuesday 10th Oct Books to go home for parents/carers to view overnight. Books to be returned on Wednesday
Friday13th Oct 11-11.30am 6AB swimming Open the Book assembly – The Earth shakes Year 2 to Felixstowe Beach
Tuesday 17th Oct Early parents evenings (virtual) Timings TBC
Thursday 19th Oct Late parents’ evenings (virtual) timings TBC All Nursery children to Broom Hill am Children break up for half term Y3 to Bury St Edmunds Cathedral (tbc)
Half term  
Monday 30th Oct School starts School Council meeting
Thursday 2nd Nov Y5 Viking visitor
Friday 3rd Nov 11-11.30am 6AB swimming Open the Book assembly “Paul is Shipwrecked”
Monday 6th  Nov Father Jo assembly
Thursday 9th Nov Member of URC team leading assembly
Friday 10th Nov 10.30am – Whole School Remembrance event 11-11.30am 6AB swimming
Monday 13th Nov Y6 Kingswood week
Tuesday 14th Nov Governors’ Resources committee 6.30pm (Virtual)
Wednesday 15th  Nov Y2 performance to parents pm
Thursday 16th Nov Y2 performance to parents pm
Friday 17th Nov Y6 children return from Kingswood 11:30 – 12:00: Swimming for Year 6 not at Kingswood Children in Need
Monday 20th Nov Chris Todd assembly School council meeting
Friday 24th Nov   Sibling photos in Small Hall 11– 11.30am 6AB swimming
Monday 27th Nov Member of URC team to lead assembly
Friday 1st Dec 11-11.30am 6EL swimming
Monday 4th Dec School Council meeting
Tuesday 5th Dec Reception show pm to parents Full Governors meeting 6.30pm
Wednesday 6th Dec Reception show am to parents
Friday 8th Dec 11-11.30am 6EL swimming Open the Book Assembly – The First Christmas
Tuesday 12th Dec Flu vaccinations YR-6
Tuesday 19th Dec Carol Service at St. Mary’s Church 2pm
Wednesday 20th Dec Last day of term Santa Run am Nursery party am Christmas Lunch and Christmas jumpers (TBC)

Non-School Uniform notice

Apologies for the short notice, but our School Council have met today and decided they would like to raise some money for the people of Turkey and Syria following the devastating earthquakes, therefore they would like all children to come to school tomorrow in non-school uniform.  Please no wigs, face paints or hair dye.

Donations are being collected for DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee).

If you could please spare a minimum of £1.00 we will ensure the money gets sent directly to them.  Payment is via School Gateway please.

Newsletter 23rd January 2023


Year 1’s performance of “They don’t make ‘em like that anymore” on Wednesday 1st February has been postponed. It will now take place on Friday 3rd February. Tickets for Wednesday’s postponed show are now valid for Friday’s performance. If you cannot make Friday please contact the office. (Thursday’s performance is unaffected)

Family viewing of work

Due to the impending industrial action there will be no viewing of work in the main hall this term. Instead we will be sending your children home with their exercise books for you to share at home. Books will be sent home on Tuesday 31st January. All that we ask is that you look after the books, share them with your child and return them to school the next day.

Industrial Action: Wednesday 1st February

As you may well be aware, one of the teaching unions, the NEU, is planning industrial action on Wednesday 1st February. The action will result in part or whole school closures in many schools and we will be affected. 

Whilst members of unions do not have to inform the Headteacher of their intention to strike right up to the day of action, I am grateful that all teachers involved at HCPS will be letting me know in advance so I can then pass that information on to you. It is my intention to let you know more details this week.  Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster can be found on our school website to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

SEVERE weather

So far, so good…but there is still the possibility that we may have a period of severe weather.

We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision we will contact you in the following ways:

  • Via School Gateway
  • A message on our own School website
  • We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website-
  • We will be read out as closed on local radio.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people and Clopton Gardens.  It is vital the roads are kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • We are seeing an increasing number of children having chocolate sweets in their lunchboxes.  Please remember we are a ‘healthy eating school’. 
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during the holidays.
  • Where possible, one adult should drop off/pick up your child. If you have elder siblings collecting your child please remind them to come alone and not with a group of friends.

School Camp

It’s back! We are looking forward to taking Year 5 and 6 pupils camping in the summer term. Keep a look out for future correspondence!

School Listening Project

As you may know, our whole school listening focus for this half term are the film compositions of John Williams. Please feel free to listen along with us at home; we have put together a YouTube playlist to support this:

An activity you might like to try with these pieces is outlined below:

  1. You and your child both close your eyes and listen to part of the music.
  2. Ask your child what they imagine is happening on the screen.
  3. Did you imagine the same thing? If not, why not?

You could also try drawing pictures to match the music. The important thing is that there are no wrong answers - all thoughts and opinions about the music are valid.  Enjoy!


A reminder of expectations for homework in the key areas of reading, spellings and mathematics.


Year Group Reading
Reception Should read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
1 10 minutes 5 days a week
2 10-15 minutes 5 days a week
3 15 minutes 5 days a week
4 20 minutes 5 days a week
5 20 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6 As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term.


In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning. From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.

All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

Term Dates

Spring Term
Half Term: Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February
Spring Term Ends: Friday 31st March 2023

Summer Term

PD Day: 5th June (school closed to pupils)

Summer Term Begins: Monday 17th April 2023
Half Term: Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Summer Term Ends: Friday 21st July 2023

Dates for your diary: Spring Term 2023  

Thurs 26th Jan School Council mtg
Fri 27th Jan Swimming 6JP
Tues 31st Jan Year 6 basketball festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:30pm Children’s exercise books sent home for parental viewing.
Weds 1st Feb Year 5 parents’ Kingswood trip information (online presentation) available Industrial Action by NEU Children’s exercise books return to school
Thurs 2nd Feb Year 2 Futsal festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10 – 12:30pm Year 1 play to parents (pm)
Fri 3rd Feb Year 2 Multi-skills festival @HHS 9:15 – 11am Year 6 county Sports Hall Athletics @ Newmarket (TBC) Swimming 6JP Year 1 play to parents (pm)
Monday 6th Feb Chris Todd assemblies
Tuesday 7th Feb Safer Internet Day:  Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online. Parent consultations (Late)
Wednesday 8th Feb Year 6 SATs information online presentation available
Thursday 9th Feb School Council mtg Year 2 Futsal festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:30pm Parent consultations (Early)
Friday 10th Feb OTB assembly: Daniel and The Lions Swimming 6JP School breaks up for half term holiday
Tuesday 21st Feb Year 5 Abby Ayre and the Shed of Science air quality and sustainable travel presentation. Governors: Resources Committee 6:30pm
Thurs 23rd Feb Sarah Clarke from FCC Environment in for Year 2 Recycling lesson 9:00am – 12 noon Year 4 dodgeball festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:15pm
Fri 24th Feb Swimming 6AB
Mon 27th Feb BOOK WEEK Year 5 & 6 Quicksticks Hockey festival @ RHS 3:30 – 6pm
Wed 1st March National offer day for High School applications
Thurs 2nd March World Book Day
Fri 3rd March Swimming 6AB
Mon 6th March Choir to Snape Maltings Bryn Rickards assemblies
Wed 8th March Year 4 girls football festival @ ITFC 1 – 3:30pm
Thurs 9th March School Council mtg
Fri 10th March Year 3/4 Multi-skills festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11am OTB assembly: John’s story (Easter)
Mon 13th March British Science and Engineering week – theme ‘Connections’.
Tues 14th March Year 6 dodgeball festival @ Inspire Suffolk 10am – 12:15pm
Thurs 16th March Year 5 to London – Tower Bridge and Tate Modern
Fri 17th March Red Nose Day Swimming 6AB
Mon 20th March Father Jo assemblies Shakespeare week Governors: Budget setting committee 6:30pm
Thurs 23rd March School Council mtg
Friday 24th March Year 6 girls tag rugby festival @ Ipswich Rugby Club 9:30 – 12 noon. Swimming 6AB
Monday 27th March Chris Todd assemblies School council meeting FGB meeting: 6:30pm
Weds 29th March Year 5 performance poetry afternoon (to parents)
Thurs 30th March Year 5 performance poetry afternoon (to parents) Whole school photo 9:30am
Friday 31st March Skip into Spring event (throughout the day) Swimming 6AB Break up for the Easter holidays: return to school on Monday 17th April

Newsletter: 12th December 2022

Ho Ho Ho!

The decorations are up, the carols are being practised as I type this and the frozen world that greeted us all this morning can only mean one thing - it’s CHRISTMAS!

Christmas Cards

This week is the start of children brining in Christmas cards for their peers and staff. One aspect of this we would like to encourage is the recycling of envelopes, so we will be asking your children to place their envelopes in the recycling bins provided or in the large recycling box in the north lobby, rather than using the external bins.

Strep A

As I am sure you are all aware the situation regarding Strep A has been in the news a lot over the last few days. The County council have supplied a number of documents to assist parents in understanding the symptoms. I have attached these to this newsletter and encourage you all to read them in case your children show similar symptoms over the festive period.

Carol Concert

Thursday sees Key Stage 2 head to St Marys Church for our carol concert. This will begin at 2pm and we are very excited to be able to invite you all to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. The children will be walked down to the church and will be walked back to school by staff.

All children will be brought back to school after the concert, to collect their bags and lunch boxes etc. Please also be aware that the children may be late back to school after the concert (approx. 3:30pm).

If you are at the concert and have younger children to collect, please don't worry, they will be held at school until you return.

Last Day of Term - Santa Run/Christmas Dinner/Christmas Jumpers

Friday is the last day of this term and we have a wonderful day of activities planned for your children. We start with our annual Santa run (weather permitting) where all pupils will be given the chance to complete laps of the school as we try and complete the 145 miles required to run across Lapland! Children will be able to arrive in school with their trainers on.

We will also be having our annual Christmas Jumper day. Therefore, children can wear a festive jumper instead of their usual school jumper. All remaining school uniform to be the same, this is not a non-school uniform day.

Finally, we will have worked up an appetite with all the running so we are having our Christmas dinner on that day. I’m sure you have got your orders in and the kitchen staff are already getting ready to feed over 600 of us! Reception to Year 4 will be eating their hot school dinner and those who are having packed lunches, in their classrooms with staff, whilst Year 5 and 6 will be having theirs in the hall.

It should be a fantastic day and the perfect end to the term.

A farewell

The end of this term sees us saying goodbye to a member of our staff. Mrs Harcourt has held a number of roles around the school during her 9 years with us, but most recently she has been a cornerstone of our SEN provision as she supports Mrs Cherrington and many of our pupils with speech and language. Her dedication to this area and the pupils she has worked with has been vital in ensuring they make progress and are able to access learning as well as their peers.  She will be sorely missed but we wish her all the best in her future pursuits.

A Big Well Done!

Last week the school and Reception parents were entertained by our Nativity show. The Reception children were incredible in delivering the Christmas story in their very own ‘Wriggly’ way! It was a brilliant effort by them all and I know we all enjoyed the performances. Well Done Reception and all the staff connected with the show.

Inclement weather

As we have seen over the last few days, winter is certainly here and this can bring the issue of school closures. On that note, thank you to you all for making sure your children walked calmly into school this morning, We will continue to try and ensure that paths are clear but if you do end up on an untreated surface please take care.

We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision we will contact you in the following ways:

  • Via School Gateway
  • A message on our own School website
  • We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website-
  • We will be read out as closed on local radio-Suffolk FM

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people.  It is vital the road is kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during the holidays.
  • Where possible, one adult should drop off/pick up your child. If you have elder siblings collecting your child please remind them to come alone and not with a group of friends.

And lastly,

Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Hadleigh CPS. We really do hope you all have a wonderful time during the festive break and enjoy spending time with your family and friends. We are very much looking forward to seeing all pupils return on Wednesday 4th January 2023!

Term Dates

Spring Term

PD Day: 3rd January (school closed to pupils)

Spring Term Begins: Wednesday 4th January 2023
Half Term: Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February
Spring Term Ends: Friday 31st March 2023

Summer Term

PD Day: 5th June (school closed to pupils)

Summer Term Begins: Monday 17th April 2023
Half Term: Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Summer Term Ends: Friday 21st July 2023

Newsletter: 13th September 2022

NEWSFLASH: School will be closed on Monday 19th September

Welcome Back!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to families who are new to our school. We have many new pupils who have joined us from other schools, alongside our new pupils in Reception and Nursery - so a big warm welcome to you all. Also, a warm welcome is extended to our new members of staff.

Drop off/pick up arrangements

  • Where possible, one adult should drop off/pick up your child. If you have elder siblings collecting your child please remind them to come alone and not with a group of friends.
  • Station Road gate opens at 8:30 am only for Nursery children and at 8:40 am for all other children as well as the Clopton Gardens gate. Both Station Road and Clopton Gardens Gates open at 3:00 pm for “pick up”.
  • Both gates close in the morning at 8:55 am
  • At the end of the school day your child’s class teacher will hand over your child at the following location:
    • Reception – Reception garden area and patio playground.
    • Year 2, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 – Top playground (please stand back to allow families from other pick up points to leave school along the traffic cone pathway.)
    • Year 1 and Year 3 – Oval playground
  • This is the opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher if you need to discuss something – alternatively use Seesaw/Tapestry, remembering your child’s teacher will only read/reply between 8.30am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you have an urgent message, please contact the school office.
  • Please leave the school site promptly following the “traffic cone” pathways familiar to you from last year.
  • Please do not allow your children to play on any climbing equipment in the school grounds and to climb on any of the blue metal fencing.
  • Bicycles and scooters can be left on site.
  • If for any reason you are delayed, please contact the school office ASAP. Your child will be waiting by the school office.

Reach for the Stars: Be the best you can be

We are determined at Hadleigh Community Primary School that all pupils achieve well and “Be the best they can be”. We encourage pupils to try hard and take pride in all aspects of their work.  To really succeed at school, pupils must also be self-motivated to be the best they can be and match our high expectations of all pupils’ attitudes to learning. When they do that, we seek to recognise their efforts.  In classrooms and on the sports field, all staff will be praising pupils for their attitude to learning and their efforts to be the best they can be when they flex their learning muscles!

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster can be found on our school website to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

PE Kit days

On the days listed below, children can attend school in FULL PE KIT. (Tracksuits may be worn over PE kits – shorts must be worn underneath)

Reception Tuesday
Year 1 Monday
Year 2 Wednesday
Year 3 Thursday
Year 4 Wednesday
Year 5 Tuesday
Year 6 Monday

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people.  It is vital the road is kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use –trainers – It would be great if this pair of trainers always remained in school.
  • Shorts/skorts must be worn for PE lessons – if children wear tracksuit trousers they must have shorts on underneath.
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining – please try to avoid sunscreen made with almond oil.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Lost property is kept in each year group. We do not hold a central lost property box. Therefore, labelling of clothing is essential.
  • If your “pick up” plans alter at short notice, please phone the office. Do not use seesaw/tapestry as your child’s teacher will be teaching and may not see the message.
  • The gate to the side of the Reception garden and out into the staff car park is an EXIT ONLY. Please refrain from entering the school through this way.

As a school we follow guidance from the UK Health Security Agency to indicate the time period an individual should not attend school, so to reduce the risk of transmission. This can be found at In particular I would like to remind you that following a period of diarrhoea or vomiting pupils can only return to school 48 hours after the diarrhoea or vomiting have stopped. Alternatively, there is another guide published by NHS. It can be found here.

School Uniform

We keep everything as near navy blue as possible while allowing flexibility in style for practical purposes. We would appreciate your help in maintaining this standard and request that children take pride in their appearance and in being a member of our school.


Jewellery & Makeup

  • No jewellery, make up or nail varnish is allowed to be worn in school.
  • Children may wear a small pair of studs but must either leave them at home or be able to take them out themselves on the days they have P.E. or swimming (tape is not permitted).

Sports Clothing

  • Plain Navy/Black Shorts
  • Plain White/Blue T-Shirt or Polo Shirt or School coloured T-Shirt
  • Plimsolls
  • Trainers for outdoor P.E.
  • Plain Tracksuit or warm Jogging Bottoms
  • Plain Sweatshirt or Hoodie

Things to note:

  • Shirts with decorations are not permitted.
  • For young children practical, comfortable clothes are advisable (velcro fastenings are very useful).
  • If your child has lace-up shoes, please take time to teach them how to fasten them.
  • A strong hanging loop in the neck of your child's top coat will help to keep it on the peg.
  • Shoulder length hair must be tied back.



In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning. From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.


Year Group Reading
Reception Should read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
1 10 minutes 5 days a week
2 10-15 minutes 5 days a week
3 15 minutes 5 days a week
4 20 minutes 5 days a week
5 20 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6 As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term.

All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

Term Dates -

Autumn Term

PD Day: 21st October (school closed to pupils)
Half Term: Monday 24th October – Friday 28th October
Autumn Term Ends: Friday 16th December 2022

Spring Term

PD Day: 3rd January (school closed to pupils)

Spring Term Begins: Wednesday 4th January 2023
Half Term: Monday 13th February – Friday 17th February
Spring Term Ends: Friday 31st March 2023

Summer Term

PD Day: 5th June (school closed to pupils) Summer Term Begins: Monday 17th April 2023
Half Term: Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June
Summer Term Ends: Friday 21st July 2023

Dates for your diary

(All dates are subject to change)

Friday 16th September 11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming Open The Book assembly
Monday 19th September School closed for funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
Thursday 22nd September School council meeting during assembly
Friday 23rd September 11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming Year 5/6 Dodgeball Festival @HHS (9:15 – 10:45am)
Monday 26th September Pastor Chris Todd assembly
Thursday 29th September Individual photos School council meet during assembly
Friday 30th September 11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming
Monday 3rd October Harvest Festival assembly:  Rev Bryn Rickards
Tuesday 4th October Full governors’ meeting at 6.30pm
Thursday 6th  October National Poetry Day – theme ‘The Environment’ Year 6 Boys Football @ Whitton Sports Centre (10:00am – 12:30pm)
Friday 7th October 11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming Year 3/4/5/6 cross country @HHS (9:30 – 11:00am)
Tuesday 11th October Parental viewing of work 3:30 – 5:30pm
Wednesday 12th October Parental viewing of work 6 – 8pm
Thursday 13th October School council meet during assembly
Friday 14th October 11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming Open The Book assembly
Tuesday 18th October Year 5/6 Girls Football @ Whitton Sports Centre (10:00am – 12:20pm) Late parents’ evening (virtual)
Thursday 20th October Early parents’ evening (virtual) All of Nursery to Polstead Woods am
Friday 21st October PD day
Half term
Monday 31st October Y5 Viking visit for the day Science focus week
Thursday 3rd November School council meet during assembly
Friday 4th November 11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming Open The Book assembly
Monday 7th  November Father Jo assembly
Thursday 10th November Year 6 Sports Hall Athletics @ Westbourne 3:15 – 5:45pm
Friday 11th November 11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming 10:30 – Whole school Remembrance event Year 5/6 Tag Rugby Festival @ HHS (TBC)
Monday 14th November Y6 Kingswood all week
Tuesday 15th November 8:30 – 3pm: Flu vaccinations years R - 5 Governor Resources committee 6:30pm
Wednesday 16th  November Year 4 Girls Suffolk FA Football @ Ipswich Town FC (1:00pm – 3:30pm)
Friday 18th November Y6 Kingswood chdn back 11:30 – 12:00: Swimming for Year 6 not at Kingswood Year 5/6 Boys Tag Rugby Festival @ Ipswich Rugby Club (9:30am – 12:00 noon) Children In Need Day
Monday 21st November Pastor Chris Todd assembly
Thursday 24th November School council meeting during assembly
Friday 25th November   11:30 – 12:00: 6SB swimming Year 5/6 Table Tennis Festival @ HHS (9:15am – 11:00am)
Monday 28th November Rev Bryn Rickards assembly 8:30 – 11am Year 6 flu vaccinations
Thursday 1st December School council meet during assembly
Friday 2nd December 11:30 – 12:00: 6JP swimming
Saturday 3rd December Hadleigh Christmas Tree lighting event
Tuesday 6th December Reception show am Full Governors meeting 6.30pm
Wednesday 7th December Reception show pm
Thursday 8th December Christmas Lunch & Christmas jumper day
Friday 9th December Open The Book assembly 11:30 – 12:00: 6JP swimming
Thursday 15th December Christmas Carol Service 2pm at St Mary’sChurch Christmas sing song in Nursery am
Friday 16th December Santa’s fun run (am) Nursery party 11:30 – 12:00: 6JP swimming Term ends: PD day Tuesday 3rd January. Spring Term begins for children Wednesday 4th January 2023

Newsletter: 18th May 2022

Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations

  • On Friday 27th May, all children are invited to come to school in Red, White and Blue (no football kits please) to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Children can also colour their hair and/or wear face paints for the day.
  • Children are also invited to create a Jubilee Hat – perhaps to match the Red, White and Blue outfit, a crown, “the Queen’s Hat” or any other ideas you may have. Have fun and get creative. Hats will be worn to our whole school assembly on Friday morning.
  • Amongst other activities we will be decorating classrooms, singing and recording some special songs and hanging out the bunting!

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster can be found on our school website to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people.  There is often not room should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use – trainers – CHILDREN SHOULD BRING TRAINERS TO SCHOOL FOR SHORT PE SESSIONS AND NOT COME TO SCHOOL IN THEM FOR THE DAY.
  • Shorts/skorts must be worn for PE lessons – if children wear tracksuit trousers they must have shorts on underneath.
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining – please try to avoid sunscreen made with almond oil.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons if the summer lets us down!
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Lost property is kept in each year group. We do not hold a central lost property box.
  • If your pick up plans alter at short notice, please phone the office. Do not use seesaw/tapestry as your child’s teacher will be teaching and may not see the message.
  • The gate to the side of the Reception garden and out into the staff car park is an EXIT ONLY. Please refrain from entering the school through this way.

School Uniform

We keep everything as near navy blue as possible while allowing flexibility in style for practical purposes. We would appreciate your help in maintaining this standard and request that children take pride in their appearance and in being a member of our school.


Jewellery & Makeup

  • No jewellery, make up or nail varnish is allowed to be worn in school.
  • Children may wear a small pair of studs but must either leave them at home or be able to take them out themselves on the days they have P.E. or swimming (tape is not permitted).

Sports Clothing

  • Plain Navy/Black Shorts
  • Plain White/Blue T-Shirt or Polo Shirt or School coloured T-Shirt
  • Plimsolls
  • Trainers for outdoor P.E.
  • Plain Tracksuit or warm Jogging Bottoms
  • Plain Sweatshirt or Hoodie

Things to note:

  • Shirts with decorations are not permitted.
  • For young children practical, comfortable clothes are advisable (velcro fastenings are very useful).
  • If your child has lace-up shoes, please take time to teach them how to fasten them.
  • A strong hanging loop in the neck of your child's top coat will help to keep it on the peg.



Year Group Reading
Reception Should read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
1 10 minutes 5 days a week
2 10-15 minutes 5 days a week
3 15 minutes 5 days a week
4 20 minutes 5 days a week
5 20 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6 As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term.


In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning. From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.

All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

Dates for your diary

(All dates are subject to change)

Saturday 21st May Hadleigh Show
Sunday 22nd May Reception inductions 10am – 1.40pm
Monday 23rd May Open The Book assembly
Wednesday 25th May Nursery to Bridges Farm (am)
Thursday 26th May Year 5/6 netball festival 2 – 4pm @ Ipswich School
Friday 27th May Swimming 5GM Year 5 & 6 Multiskills Festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11:00 am Break up for half term holiday
Monday 6th June PD day
Tuesday 7th June Children return to school Phonics screening week
Thursday 9th June School Council meeting Reception to Banham Zoo Year 5/6 cricket festival @ Ransomes 12:30 – 4:30pm
Friday 10th June Swimming 5GM
Saturday 11th June Nursery Inductions 9:30 – 11am and 11:30 – 1pm
Monday 13th June Father Jo assembly
Tuesday 14th June Year 5/6 girls’ Cricket Festival @ Ransomes 9:15 – 12:30
Wednesday 15th June Year 2 to Hedingham Castle Year 5 & 6 Cricket Festival 1:45 – 3:45pm
Thursday 16th June HSA Fathers’ Day sale
Friday 17th June Swimming 5GM
Saturday 18th June Nursery Inductions 9:30 – 11am and 11:30 – 1pm
Monday 20th June Chris Todd assembly Governors’ Resources committee 4:30pm via Teams
Friday 24th June Swimming 5SP
Monday 27th June Open The Book assembly
Tuesday 28th June Y6 show to school am/pm
Wednesday 29th June Y6 show to parents 7pm
Thursday 30th June Y6 play to parents 7pm
Friday 1st July Swimming 5SP Year 5 & 6 Netball Festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11:30am
Monday 4th July Bryn Rickards assembly Instrumental concert to school pm Instrumental concert to parents 7pm SEND Hadleigh High School induction day
Tuesday 5th July Year 5/6 Quadkids festival @ Northgate 2:45 – 5:45pm
Wednesday 6th July Year 1 to Foxburrow Farm KS1 Panathlon festival at Ipswich School 12:45 – 2:30pm Choir concert to school 2pm Choir concert to parents 7pm
Thursday 7th July Choir concert to parents 2pm Full Governing Body meeting 6:30pm
Friday 8th July High School Induction Day Swimming 5SP Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9 – 12pm)
Monday 11th July Chris Todd assembly Reports out this week Reserve Nursery and Reception Sports Day
Tuesday 12th July Sports Day years 1, 2, & 3 (9 – 12pm)
Wednesday 13th July Sports Day years 4, 5, & 6 (9 – 12pm)
Thursday 14th July Reserve Sports Day years 1, 2, & 3
Friday 15th July Year 3 performance to year R, 1 & 2 pm Swimming 5SP Reserve Sports Day years 4,5 & 6
Monday 18th July Open The Book assembly Year 3 performance to years 4, 5 and 6 pm
Tuesday 19th July Year 3 performance to parents pm and evening
Wednesday 20th July Reception disco 3:30 – 4:30pm Year 6 disco 7 – 9pm
Thursday 21st July Moving up morning to meet the new teacher Meet the teacher 3:30 – 4:30pm
Friday 22nd July Year 6 Leavers’ assembly 2pm. Break up Children return to school on Monday 5th September 2022

Letter to parents: 1st April 2022

Today marks the next step in the Government’s “Living with Covid-19” plan. Testing and isolation rules have changed.

As with any respiratory infection, children should stay at home and only return to school when they are better.

Symptoms of COVID-19, flu and common respiratory infections include:

  • Continuous cough
  • High temperature, fever or chills
  • Loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell
  • Shortness of breath
  • Unexplained tiredness, lack of energy
  • Muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
  • Not wanting to eat or not feeling hungry
  • Headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual
  • Sore throat, stuffy or runny nose
  • Diarrhoea, feeling sick or being sick

Children who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can come back to school and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.

If your child displays any of the above symptoms the office will contact you to come and collect your child.

Children with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend school.

If a child has a positive COVID-19 test result they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test, if they can. After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower. This is because children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults.

Children who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.

At school, preventative measures such as regular hand sanitisation and increased ventilation will continue.

Newsletter: 18th March 2022

COVID-19 Update

As covid rules have relaxed and we strive to “get back to normal”, Covid-19 is still affecting day to day provision at HCPS. At the time of writing 8 members of staff are currently absent from school, with cases among pupils continuing to rise. Please remember…

If your child is unwell with COVID symptoms, please do not send them to school.

Latest government guidance states…

“Children and young people with COVID-19 should not attend their education setting while they are infectious. They should take an LFD test from 5 days after their symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms) followed by another one the next day. If both these tests results are negative, they should return to their educational setting if they normally attend one, as long as they feel well enough to do so and do not have a temperature.”

Although there is no longer a legal requirement for people with coronavirus (COVID-19) infection to self-isolate, if your children have any of the main symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test result, the public health advice is to stay at home and avoid contact with other people.

We will continue to follow this guidance. So, if your child has symptoms and tests positive, isolation continues for up to 10 days, unless they have 2 consecutive negative tests.

For further public health advice please click the links below…

Hedgehogs Nursery Applications

If you have a child whose date of birth is between 1st September 2018 – 31st August 2019 and you would like them to join our Nursery, we are currently accepting and processing applications ready for September 2022.  Application forms are available on our school website or you can request one by email to

SEVERE weather

So far, so good…but there is still the possibility that we may have a period of severe weather. If we have to close due to severe weather, please listen to local radio stations and consult this website,, for updated information.

And finally…

Mrs Whitmore has expressed her intention to retire from her full time teaching post at the end of this academic year. I’m sure you will join us in wishing her a happy retirement as we come closer to the end of the summer term.

As you are aware, Mrs Broadbent will also be retiring. Mr Betts, currently Head of Performing Arts at Hadleigh High School has accepted the position of Music Teacher at HCPS and will be joining us in September as Mrs Broadbent’s successor. We look forward to welcoming him to our school.

Dates for your diary

(All dates are subject to change)

Mon 21st March Chris Todd assembly Shakespeare week
Wed 23rd March HSA Mothering Sunday Gift Sale
Thurs 24th March School Council meeting
Friday 25th March Year 6 swimming by invitation
Monday 28th March Last week for clubs Full Governing Body meeting: 6:30pm
Thurs 31st March Year 4 to Sutton Hoo Year 5 Performance Poetry afternoon
Monday 4th April Bryn Rickards assembly
Wednesday 6th April Nursery to Polstead Woods (am)
Thursday 7th April Year 3 to Bury St Edmunds Cathedral
Friday 8th April Spring Skip School closes for Easter break School reopens on Monday 25th April

Term Dates –

Newsletter: 28th January 2022

COVID-19 Precautions update

Following Mr Dadds’ letter yesterday I would like to thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we contend with the demands of Covid-19 whilst ensuring our pupils’ experiences of school are as normal as possible. We are continuing to see cases rise, which has led to some classes being “bubbled”. In reality this means those classes cannot attend extra-curricular clubs, they must eat their lunch separately and have different break times. I must also make you aware that cases in staff could rise and this could lead to classes being taught by different members of staff.

As “stay at home – isolation” guidance continues to change, please click the link below to take you to the latest information -

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster, which can be found here, will give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use -trainers
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Lost property is kept in each year group. We do not hold a central lost property box.
  • If your pick up plans alter at short notice, please phone the office. Do not use seesaw/tapestry as your child’s teacher will be teaching and may not see the message.
  • Last day of this half term is Thursday 17th February. School is closed on Friday 18th Feb in lieu of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee additional Bank Holiday on Friday 4th June.


A reminder of expectations for homework in the key areas of reading, spellings and mathematics.


Year Group Reading
Reception Should read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
1 10 minutes 5 days a week
2 10-15 minutes 5 days a week
3 15 minutes 5 days a week
4 20 minutes 5 days a week
5 20 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6 As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term


In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning.

From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.

All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

SEVERE Weather

So far, so good…but there is still the possibility that we may have a period of severe weather. If we have to close due to severe weather, please listen to local radio stations and consult this website,, for updated information.

World Book Day ‘You Are A Reader’ 25th birthday ...

World Book Day

WBD is Thursday 3rd March 2022… and it’s time to dress up!

Please come to school “dressed up” as a fictional book character and remember to bring a copy of the book that your character is from with you!

And finally…

Mrs Broadbent has expressed her intention to retire from her full time music teaching post at the end of this academic year. I’m sure you will join us in wishing her a happy retirement as we come closer to the end of the summer term. Rest assured, music will still hold a prominent role in the life of HCPS, and very soon we will start the search for Mrs Broadbent’s successor.

Dates for your diary

All dates are subject to change

Mon 31st Jan Bryn Rickards assembly
Weds 2nd Feb Year 5 parents’ Kingswood trip information (online presentation) available
Fri 4th Feb Swimming 6P
Monday 7th Feb Chris Todd assembly
6:00 – 8:00pm: Parental viewing of work
Tuesday 8th Feb 3:30 – 5:30pm: Parental viewing of work
Wednesday 9th Feb Year 6 SATs information online presentation available
Thursday 10th Feb School Council meeting
Friday 11th Feb Swimming 6P
Year 1/2 Multi-skills festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11am
Tues 15th Feb Parent consultations
Governors: Resources Committee 4:30pm
Weds 16th Feb 3C Parent consultations only 3.45 – 5.45pm
Thurs 17th Feb Parent consultations
School closes for half term break
Mon 28th Feb School reopens
Book Week
Tues 1st March National High School offer day
Thurs 3rd March World Book Day
Fri 4th March Year 6 swimming by invitation
Mon 7th March Jo Delfgou assembly
Thurs 10th March Sarah Clarke in Year 4 re recycling (FCC Environment)
School Council meeting
Fri 11th March Year 6 swimming by invitation
Weds 16th March Year 5 to science museum and London Southbank
Fri 18th March Red Nose Day
Year 6 swimming by invitation
Year 3/4 Multi-skills festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11am
Mon 21st March Chris Todd assembly
Shakespeare week
Thurs 24th March School Council meeting
Friday 25th March Year 6 swimming by invitation
Monday 28th March Last week for clubs
Full Governing Body meeting: 6:30pm
Thurs 31st March Year 4 to Sutton Hoo
Year 5 performance poetry afternoon
Monday 4th April Bryn Rickards assembly
Wednesday 6th April Nursery to Polstead Woods
Thursday 7th April Year 3 to Bury St Edmunds Cathedral
Friday 8th April Great Egg Race
School closes for Easter break
School reopens on Monday 25th April

Term Dates -

Newsletter: 10th September 2021

Ofsted report

Please find attached a copy of our latest Ofsted report following our inspection on 7th and 8th July 2021. The inspector concluded that Hadleigh Community Primary School continues to be a Good School. He highlighted many positives and some aspects for further development. I would like to express my thanks to those of you who took the time to respond to the inspection questionnaire; to all staff who, despite the incredibly challenging academic year, impressed the inspectors with their professionalism and the quality of education provided, and finally, to all pupils who impressed the inspector with their “exemplary behaviour.”


Thank you for your patience and understanding as we adapt back to some sense of normality in school. As you can imagine it has been challenging to get 530 pupils into school in a 15-minute period. Please read the information below carefully which details changes to the morning and afternoon routine that will ease congestion and speed up the process of pupils arriving at and leaving school. The back gate will be open and you will no longer need to follow the traffic cone pathways across the top playground, but please continue to access the patio and oval playgrounds via the slope and return to the top playground “up the steps”. (The traffic cone pathways remain in use during school time.)

Dropping off
The front and back gates will open at 8:40 am and close at 9:00 am
Reception/Year 1/Year 3 From the front gate Please make your way to the patio playground via the slope.You do not need to follow the traffic cone pathway across the top playground but please do reach the patio playground via the slope. Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly via the steps up to the top playground or via the hall side gate if you have a pushchair. From the back gatePlease make your way to the patio playground across the oval playground and drop your child off.Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly.   Year 2/Year 4/Year 5/Year 6 From the front gate You no longer need to walk around the top playground. Please enter the top playground, taking care to move onto the top playground and not blocking the entrance to school, and send your child in. Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly. From the back gate Please make your way up to the top playground across the oval and patio playgrounds and up the steps then send your child into school.Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly exiting the top playground via the slope. To remember Only one adult should drop off/pick up your child.Your child is expected to be in class by 8:55am. Registers will close at 9:00am and any children arriving after the close of registers will receive a late mark. At all times, no parents/carers are allowed in the school building.Bicycles and scooters can be left on site.
Picking up
The front and back gates will open at 3:00pm and close at 3:30pm
Finish times: Reception, Y1 and Y2 – 3:15pm. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 – 3:20pm.
Reception/Year 1/Year 3 From the front gate Please make your way to the patio playground via the slope. You do not need to follow the traffic cone pathway across the top playground but please do reach the patio and oval playgrounds via the slope. Collect your child and then please leave the school site promptly via the steps up to the top playground or via the hall side gate if you have a pushchair. From the back gatePlease make your way to the patio and oval playgrounds. Once collected, please leave the school site promptly. Do not allow your child to play on any of the areas of the school field such as the jungle run, the dugout, the woods, and the astro. These are our learning spaces; please do not allow your children to play on your way home as considerable time is lost, particularly by Mrs Lee and Mr Peters, putting resources back where they belong.Please respect our neighbours and park with consideration.   Year 2/Year 4/Year 5/Year 6 From the front gate Please wait for your child on the top playground and leave the school site promptly when collected.Please use the whole of the top playground to wait on, easing pressure on the congested space near the small hall/large blue gates. From the back gate Please make your way up to the top playground across the oval and patio playgrounds and up the steps. Once collected, please leave the school site promptly exiting the top playground via the slope.   To remember This is the opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher if you need to discuss something – alternatively use Seesaw/Tapestry, remembering your child’s teacher will only read/reply between 8.00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you have an urgent message, please contact the school office.If you have children to collect from two or more different year groups at the same time, the class teacher will supervise your child until you come to collect.

Welcome back

We would like to extend a warm welcome to families who are new to our school. We have 12 new pupils who have joined us from other schools, 74 children who have started school in the Reception year and 47 in our Nursery class - so a big warm welcome to you all. Also, a warm welcome is extended to our new members of staff: Mrs Beaman, Ms Creasey, Mrs Gray, Mr Hodgkinson, Mrs Perry and Mrs Proctor.

Reach for the Stars: Be the best you can be

We are determined at Hadleigh Community Primary School that all pupils achieve well and “Be the best they can be”. We encourage pupils to try hard and take pride in all aspects of their work.  To really succeed at school, pupils must also be self-motivated to be the best they can be and match our high expectations of all pupils’ attitudes to learning. When they do that, we seek to recognise their efforts.  In classrooms and on the sports field, all staff will be praising pupils for their attitude to learning and their efforts to be the best they can be when they flex their learning muscles!

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster will follow this newsletter to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.

Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use -trainers
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • Medication – if you took it home for the summer holidays

From Monday 6th September, on the days listed below, children can attend school in FULL PE KIT. (Tracksuits may be worn over PE kits – shorts must be worn underneath)

Reception Tuesday
Year 1 Monday
Year 2 Thursday
Year 3 Tuesday
Year 4 Wednesday
Year 5 Monday
Year 6 Wednesday

Continue to follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and confirmed cases of COVID-19

When an individual develops COVID-19 symptoms or has a positive test they should follow public health advice on when to self-isolate and what to do. Children should not come into school if they have symptoms, have had a positive test result or other reasons requiring them to stay at home due to the risk of them passing on COVID-19 (for example, they are required to quarantine).

If any child in school develops COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, we will send them home and the family should follow public health advice.

Children are not required to self-isolate if they live in the same household as someone with COVID-19, or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19.

Dates for your diary

Friday 17th September 6B swimming Applicants for School Council to have handed in their applications by now.
Monday 20th September Chris Todd assembly Full governors’ meeting at 6.30pm
Wednesday 22nd September Year 2 to Felixstowe
Thursday 23rd September School council meeting
Friday 24th September 6B swimming
Monday 27th September Open The Book assembly: The Good Shepherd
Thursday 30th September Individual photos
Friday 1st October 6DP swimming
Monday 4th October Bryn Rickards assembly: Harvest Festival
Thursday 7th  October National Poetry Day – theme ‘Choice’ The 2 Johns in for e-safety presentation KS2
Friday 8th October 6DP swimming
Monday 11th   October Jo Delfgou assembly
Tuesday 12th October Parental viewing of work 3:30 – 5:30pm
Wednesday 13th October Parental viewing of work 6 – 8pm
Friday 15th October 6P swimming
Monday 18th October Open The Book assembly: David and the Giant Slayer School council meeting
Wednesday 20th October Early parents’ evening (virtual)
Thursday 21st October Year 3 to Ipswich Museum Late parents’ evening (virtual) All of Nursery to Polstead Woods am    
Friday 22nd October 6P swimming Children break up for half term.
Half term
Monday 1st November PD Day
Tuesday 2nd November Children return to school Science focus week
Wednesday 3rd November Resources committee 4:30pm
Monday 8th  November Chris Todd assembly
Tuesday 9th  November Y5 Viking visit for the day
Thursday 11th November Whole school Remembrance event School council meeting
Friday 12th November Children In Need (Date tbc)
Monday 15th November Open the Book: The Burning Bush Y6 visit to Kingswood, Overstrand Hall (all week)
Friday 19th November Y6 return from Kingswood, Overstrand Hall
Monday 22nd November Jo Delfgou assembly
Thursday 25th November School council meeting
Friday 26th November Y4 to Norwich Castle (TBC)
Monday 6th December Reception show to school pm
Tuesday 7th December Reception show am Full Governors meeting 6.30pm
Wednesday 8th December Reception show pm
Thursday 9th December Christmas Lunch & Christmas jumper day
Monday 13th December Open the Book: The Christmas Story
Thursday 16th December Christmas Carol Service 2pm at St Mary’s Church Christmas sing song in Nursery am
Friday 17th December Nursery party am/pm End of Autumn term – children return Wednesday 5th Jan 2022

Letter to parents: 30th August 2021

Information for parents and carers regarding the reopening of HCPS to all children on Monday 6th September 2021.

Dear parents and carers,

Thank you for your help and support maintaining “Covid-19 preventative measures” throughout last academic year.

School life will certainly feel more “pre-pandemic” when we return on Monday 6th September. The necessity to keep children in consistent groups, bubbles, has been removed. This enables us, for example, to return to regular lunches and to have easier drop off and pick up arrangements. However, some control measures will remain in place such as hand washing and sanitising, ventilation and pathways around the school to avoid unnecessary mixing. We will also be maintaining some measures introduced during the pandemic which, with hindsight, have improved the smooth running of the school, such as children coming to school in their PE kit on their main PE day.

Please be aware that if there is a significant local outbreak, further preventative measures may have to be reintroduced.
Unfortunately, we will not be holding the “meet the teacher” session at the end of school on Monday 6th September – but as you will read below, you will have the opportunity to meet the teacher at the end of every school day.

Please read the information below carefully:

Reception to Year 6 Dropping off – face coverings not required

On the first morning of this academic year the school gates will open at 8:30 am.

At 8:40 am your child’s class teacher will meet you at the following location:

Reception – Patio playground
Year 1 and Year 2 – Top playground
Year 3 and Year 4 – Oval playground
Year 5 and Year 6 – School field

At approximately 8:50 am your child’s class teacher will escort the class into school to start the day.

Please leave the school site promptly following the “traffic cone” pathways familiar to you from last year.

At all times, no parents/carers are allowed in the school building.

For the remainder of the school year we will operate a free flow system of entry into school every morning.

The school gates will open at 8:40 am.

Following the “traffic cone” pathways familiar to you from last year, walk around the school site dropping your child off at their entrance door where you will be met by a member of staff from your child’s year group.

Once dropped off, please leave the school site promptly.

Your child is expected to be in class by 8:55 am. Registers will close at 9:00 am and any children arriving after the close of registers will receive a late mark.

The school gates will be closed at 9:00 am.

At all times, no parents/carers are allowed in the school building.

Reception to Year 6 Picking up – face coverings not required

The school gates will open at 3:00 pm.

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will finish the school day at 3:15 pm.

Children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will finish the school day at 3:20 pm.

Please wait for your children at the following location:

Reception – Patio playground
Year 1 and Year 3 – Oval playground
Year 2, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 – Top playground

This is the opportunity to talk to your child’s teacher if you need to discuss something – alternatively use Seesaw/Tapestry, remembering your child’s teacher will only read/reply between 8 – 5 pm, Monday to Friday. If you have an urgent message, please contact the school office.

If you have children to collect from two or more different year groups at the same time the class teacher will supervise your child until you come to collect.

At all times, no parents/carers are allowed in the school building.

Once you have collected your child, please leave the school site promptly following the “traffic cone” pathways familiar to you from last year.

For those planning on and booked to use the school’s wrap around care provision there will be a separate letter sent out explaining the dropping off and pick up times and procedures.

Nursery drop off/pick up arrangements

Nursery will be offering a morning drop off window and afternoon pick up window. Please drop off your nursery child between 8:30 – 8:40 am every morning in the nursery garden and collect between 3:20 - 3.30 pm. If your child goes home after the morning nursery session, please collect at the main school gates at 11:30 am.

What to bring to school:

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • One small backpack
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use -trainers
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
  • For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
  • Medication – if you took it home for the summer holidays

PE Kit

From Monday 6th September, on the days listed below, children can attend school in FULL PE KIT. (Tracksuits may be worn over PE kits – shorts must be worn underneath).

Reception Tuesday
Year 2 Thursday
Year 3 Tuesday
Year 4 Wednesday
Year 6 Wednesday

Children will be expected to attend school in school uniform on all other days.


The Department for Education has made it clear that school attendance is mandatory from the start of the autumn term. This means that normal school rules will apply, including:

  • Parents’ duty to ensure children attend school unless medically unfit to do so.
  • Schools record attendance and absence.
  • The availability of sanctions, including penalty notices, for non-attendance.

Continue to follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and confirmed cases of COVID-19.

When an individual develops COVID-19 symptoms or has a positive test they should follow public health advice on when to self-isolate and what to do. Children should not come into school if they have symptoms, have had a positive test result or other reasons requiring them to stay at home due to the risk of them passing on COVID-19 (for example, they are required to quarantine).

If any child in school develops COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, we will send them home and the family should follow public health advice.

Children are not required to self-isolate if they live in the same household as someone with COVID-19, or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19.

To conclude

I hope you have found all the above information useful.

Please contact the school office via email at if you require further clarification.

I look forward to welcoming you all back to HCPS on Monday 6th September 2021.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Gary Pilkington

Newsletter 1st July 2021

Continuing Covid-19 prevention measures

Thank you for your continued efforts and support following our Covid-19 prevention measures. This has helped us keep school open and limit the number of children “learning from home”. It is important that we continue these measures until the end of term. Over the past few weeks we have seen a small but steady increase in children isolating and “learning from home” following confirmed Covid-19 cases, possible symptoms of Covid-19 or coming into close contact with somebody with a positive case of Covid-19. It is not over yet.

Consequently, and even if restrictions are lifted or adapted nationally on Monday 19th July we will continue with our Covid-19 prevention measures until the end of term on the next day, Tuesday 20th July. This helps protect us all and limits the impact of Covid-19 for the summer break.

Sports Day becomes Sports Days!

Due to the above measures still being in place and the compact nature of our school field we have had to adapt our sports day this year and hold the event behind closed doors and split it into 5 different days!. What matters most, is all our children get to experience the fun and competitive nature of our annual celebration of sport.

Your child’s sports day is as follows…

As you can see, a full day of sporting fun has been planned! Where two year groups are participating, one will compete whilst the other one will cheer on. Year group bubbles will remain intact. During this week there

will be no normal PE sessions so children need to come to school in uniform. Nursery will be enjoying their sports day on Friday 9th July.

Year 6

We were extremely disappointed that our eagerly anticipated visit to Overstrand Hall was cancelled at the last minute by Kingswood. Since then, the Year 6 staff have worked tirelessly to create an activities week for our Year 6 children to enjoy. This starts on Monday 5th July. In addition to this, an evening of fun is planned on Monday 19th July. More details to follow.

Finally, on Tuesday 20th July at 3:40pm, to conclude our Year 6 pupils’ time at HCPS, we would like to invite Y6 parents and carers onto the top playground to join us as we all say farewell. (This means on Tuesday 20th July, Year 6 pupils will not leave school at their normal time of 2:55pm but 3:40-4:00pm.)

Reports (and Meet the Teacher)

During week beginning Monday 12th July, you will receive your child’s end of year report electronically. You will also receive details of their new class and class teacher(s). All children will meet their new teacher(s) on Monday 19th July but because of continuing Covid-19 preventative measures you will not be able to meet them until we return after the summer break on Monday 6th September (TBC)

Term Dates


Summer Term Ends: Tuesday 20th July 2021


PD Days: 2nd September, 3rd September, 1st November

Autumn Term Begins: Monday 6th September 2021 Half Term: Monday 25th October – Friday 29th October Autumn Term Ends: Friday 17th December 2021

PD Days: 4th January

Spring Term Begins: Wednesday 5th January 2022 Half Term: Monday 21st February – Friday 25th February Spring Term Ends: Friday 8th April 2022

PD Days: 6th June

Summer Term Begins: Monday 25th April 2022 Half Term: Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June Summer Term Ends: Friday 22nd July 2022

Ofsted – Parent View

If you would like to share your opinions and views on our school with Ofsted, please click on the link -

Newsletter: 4th May 2021

Thank you!

Many thanks for continuing to support all of our “Covid-19 prevention” measures. These are likely to remain in
place for some time.

Just to remind you…

Pupils and other adults must not come into the school if:

  • they have one or more coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms
  • they are required to quarantine having recently visited countries outside the Common Travel Area
  • they have had a positive test
  • Please follow the one way system around the school site – observing social distancing
  • Please wear a face covering
  • Do not park too close to school
  • Do not loiter before and after school
  • Do not use the staff car park
  • Do not enter the school buildings except visiting the office via the staff car park
  • If you are dropping off more than one child, you will be able to leave the child who is due to enter school at the later time in a supervised waiting zone on the oval playground. You will not be able to wait with them. If this is difficult for you and your child then please leave the school grounds and reenter the one-way system at the specific drop off time for your child listed below.
  • Only one adult should come to school to drop off/pick up. Please do not bring other members of your family (except babies and toddlers) with you even if it is just to wait with you outside the school site.
  • You will not be able to collect children from different year groups at the same time at the end of the school day.
  • FOR OUR OLDER PUPILS WHO ARRIVE AND LEAVE SCHOOL WITHOUT YOUR SUPERVISION, please help us by making sure your child is aware of the need to go straight home and not to loiter outside the school or on the areas around school such as the bank on Clopton Gardens.
  • If an elder sibling is picking up/dropping off, please ensure they are aware they must do it by themselves and not with other school friends. Please help us to ensure high school pupils do not loiter outside the school.
  • PLEASE REMEMBER – there are several free car parks in Hadleigh. We are receiving an increasing number of complaints from our neighbours where parents are blocking driveways etc. Please be considerate.

Year group Start time Finish time

Nursery 8:15 11:15/3:25
Reception 9:00 3:30
Year 1 8:50 3:20
Year 2 8:45 3:15
Year 3 8:40 3:10
Year 4 8:35 3:05
Year 5 8:30 3:00
Year 6 8:25 2:55

What to bring to school

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • One small backpack
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use -trainers
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining – children will not be able to enter school prior to their specific drop off time – we will be waiting in the rain
  • In Year 3, 4, 5 and 6, a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. Snack is provided for all other year groups.
  • Medication – if you took it home for the lockdown

PE Kit

Reception Tuesday
Year 1 Thursday
Year 2 Monday
Year 3 Tuesday
Year 4 Wednesday
Year 5 Wednesday
Year 6 Monday

Seesaw and Tapestry

Birthday treats

Summer term curriculum and Learning Posters

Term Dates

PD Days: 2nd September, 3rd September, 1st November
Autumn Term Begins: Monday 6th September 2021
Half Term: Monday 25th October – Friday 29th October
Autumn Term Ends: Friday 17th December 2021

Ofsted – Parent View

Parental survey – Remote parent consultations

Summer Term 2021: provisional dates for your diary

First Edition: Dates planned assuming school Covid restrictions remain until the end of term.
All dates provisional and as a guide

Wednesday 5th May Class Photos
Monday 10th May Father Jo Assembly - remote
School Council meeting
6:30pm FGB meeting
Monday 17th May Open the Book assembly - remote
Monday 24th May School Council meeting
Friday 28th May Year 3 Roman Day
Monday 7th June Chris Todd assembly - remote
Monday 14th June Father Jo Assembly - remote
School Council meeting
Thursday 17th June Year R to Banham Zoo
Monday 21st June Open the Book assembly - remote
Governor Resources committee 4:30pm
Thursday 24th June Y2 to Hedingham Castle
Monday 28th June Year 6 to Kingswood
Friday 2nd July Year 6 return from Kingswood
Monday 5th July Bryn Rickards assembly - remote
School Council meeting
Tuesday 6th July Year 1 to Foxburrow Farm
Thursday 8th July FGB meeting 6:30pm
Friday 9th July HHS induction day
Monday 12th July Sports Day for two year groups - in school only (TBC)
Chris Todd assembly - remote
Reports out
Tuesday 13th July Sports Day for two year groups - in school only (TBC)
Wednesday 14th July Sports Day for two year groups - in school only (TBC)
Thursday 15th July Sports Day for two year groups - in school only (TBC)
Meet the teacher 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Monday 19th July Moving up morning to meet the new teacher
Year 6 Leavers’ treat
Tuesday 20th July Last day of term
Whole school assembly