Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations

  • On Friday 27th May, all children are invited to come to school in Red, White and Blue (no football kits please) to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. Children can also colour their hair and/or wear face paints for the day.
  • Children are also invited to create a Jubilee Hat – perhaps to match the Red, White and Blue outfit, a crown, “the Queen’s Hat” or any other ideas you may have. Have fun and get creative. Hats will be worn to our whole school assembly on Friday morning.
  • Amongst other activities we will be decorating classrooms, singing and recording some special songs and hanging out the bunting!

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster can be found on our school website to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful in supporting your child.


Parking at school and around school

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people.  There is often not room should any of the emergency services need to attend. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

Don’t forget…

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use – trainers – CHILDREN SHOULD BRING TRAINERS TO SCHOOL FOR SHORT PE SESSIONS AND NOT COME TO SCHOOL IN THEM FOR THE DAY.
  • Shorts/skorts must be worn for PE lessons – if children wear tracksuit trousers they must have shorts on underneath.
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining – please try to avoid sunscreen made with almond oil.
  • Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons if the summer lets us down!
  • Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
  • Please name your child’s clothing
  • Lost property is kept in each year group. We do not hold a central lost property box.
  • If your pick up plans alter at short notice, please phone the office. Do not use seesaw/tapestry as your child’s teacher will be teaching and may not see the message.
  • The gate to the side of the Reception garden and out into the staff car park is an EXIT ONLY. Please refrain from entering the school through this way.

School Uniform

We keep everything as near navy blue as possible while allowing flexibility in style for practical purposes. We would appreciate your help in maintaining this standard and request that children take pride in their appearance and in being a member of our school.


Jewellery & Makeup

  • No jewellery, make up or nail varnish is allowed to be worn in school.
  • Children may wear a small pair of studs but must either leave them at home or be able to take them out themselves on the days they have P.E. or swimming (tape is not permitted).

Sports Clothing

  • Plain Navy/Black Shorts
  • Plain White/Blue T-Shirt or Polo Shirt or School coloured T-Shirt
  • Plimsolls
  • Trainers for outdoor P.E.
  • Plain Tracksuit or warm Jogging Bottoms
  • Plain Sweatshirt or Hoodie

Things to note:

  • Shirts with decorations are not permitted.
  • For young children practical, comfortable clothes are advisable (velcro fastenings are very useful).
  • If your child has lace-up shoes, please take time to teach them how to fasten them.
  • A strong hanging loop in the neck of your child’s top coat will help to keep it on the peg.



Year GroupReading
ReceptionShould read as frequently as possible and enjoy sharing books with others.
110 minutes 5 days a week
210-15 minutes 5 days a week
315 minutes 5 days a week
420 minutes 5 days a week
520 minutes 5 days a week, using a dictionary to check any unfamiliar vocabulary.
6As Year 5 + reading comprehension from spring term.


In foundation stage, sound cards, sound books and homework books are sent home weekly to support the pupils’ phonics learning. From Year 1 through to Year 6, all children will have spellings to learn which will be tested at school through dictation exercises.


Memorisation of times tables (for example, using Times Tables Rock stars/numbots) and any additional tasks (such as detailed on the learning poster) as set by the class teacher.

All activities should be completed within a reasonable time limit, if you have any problems please see the teacher.

Dates for your diary

(All dates are subject to change)

Saturday 21st MayHadleigh Show
Sunday 22nd MayReception inductions 10am – 1.40pm
Monday 23rd MayOpen The Book assembly
Wednesday 25th MayNursery to Bridges Farm (am)
Thursday 26th MayYear 5/6 netball festival 2 – 4pm @ Ipswich School
Friday 27th MaySwimming 5GM Year 5 & 6 Multiskills Festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11:00 am Break up for half term holiday
Monday 6th JunePD day
Tuesday 7th JuneChildren return to school Phonics screening week
Thursday 9th JuneSchool Council meeting Reception to Banham Zoo Year 5/6 cricket festival @ Ransomes 12:30 – 4:30pm
Friday 10th JuneSwimming 5GM
Saturday 11th JuneNursery Inductions 9:30 – 11am and 11:30 – 1pm
Monday 13th JuneFather Jo assembly
Tuesday 14th JuneYear 5/6 girls’ Cricket Festival @ Ransomes 9:15 – 12:30
Wednesday 15th JuneYear 2 to Hedingham Castle Year 5 & 6 Cricket Festival 1:45 – 3:45pm
Thursday 16th JuneHSA Fathers’ Day sale
Friday 17th JuneSwimming 5GM
Saturday 18th JuneNursery Inductions 9:30 – 11am and 11:30 – 1pm
Monday 20th JuneChris Todd assembly Governors’ Resources committee 4:30pm via Teams
Friday 24th JuneSwimming 5SP
Monday 27th JuneOpen The Book assembly
Tuesday 28th JuneY6 show to school am/pm
Wednesday 29th JuneY6 show to parents 7pm
Thursday 30th JuneY6 play to parents 7pm
Friday 1st JulySwimming 5SP Year 5 & 6 Netball Festival @ HHS 9:15 – 11:30am
Monday 4th JulyBryn Rickards assembly Instrumental concert to school pm Instrumental concert to parents 7pm SEND Hadleigh High School induction day
Tuesday 5th JulyYear 5/6 Quadkids festival @ Northgate 2:45 – 5:45pm
Wednesday 6th JulyYear 1 to Foxburrow Farm KS1 Panathlon festival at Ipswich School 12:45 – 2:30pm Choir concert to school 2pm Choir concert to parents 7pm
Thursday 7th JulyChoir concert to parents 2pm Full Governing Body meeting 6:30pm
Friday 8th JulyHigh School Induction Day Swimming 5SP Nursery and Reception Sports Day (9 – 12pm)
Monday 11th JulyChris Todd assembly Reports out this week Reserve Nursery and Reception Sports Day
Tuesday 12th JulySports Day years 1, 2, & 3 (9 – 12pm)
Wednesday 13th JulySports Day years 4, 5, & 6 (9 – 12pm)
Thursday 14th JulyReserve Sports Day years 1, 2, & 3
Friday 15th JulyYear 3 performance to year R, 1 & 2 pm Swimming 5SP Reserve Sports Day years 4,5 & 6
Monday 18th JulyOpen The Book assembly Year 3 performance to years 4, 5 and 6 pm
Tuesday 19th JulyYear 3 performance to parents pm and evening
Wednesday 20th JulyReception disco 3:30 – 4:30pm Year 6 disco 7 – 9pm
Thursday 21st JulyMoving up morning to meet the new teacher Meet the teacher 3:30 – 4:30pm
Friday 22nd JulyYear 6 Leavers’ assembly 2pm. Break up Children return to school on Monday 5th September 2022
