Governors are responsible for setting the school’s vision and strategic direction, for holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team to account for educational performance, and for ensuring the School’s money is spent well.
Welcome to:
Nicola Webb – Parent Governor, elected 8 December 2020.
Farewell to:
At the end of the Summer term we said farewell and thank you to our long standing and dedicated Governor Joel Runnels-Moss whose term came to an end. The school gained tremendously over the years from his motivation, experience and knowledge.
Our last Newsletter spoke of the uncertainty of the coming Autumn term, and here we are at the end of it. School days are quite different from that of a year ago with all the additional measures and safety precautions, but what a fantastic term it has been, welcoming all the children back and being able to resume some kind of normality.
Governor activity has had to, understandably, take a back seat whilst the focus has been on settling into new routines and observing the additional measures now needed.
Committee and Whole Body meetings have still taken place via video call, the Governors who have a responsibility in Safeguarding, SEND and Health & Safety have all had “virtual” meetings with the staff responsible, and website compliance has been reviewed, but our usual on site Governor Monitoring visits have had to be postponed.
Next term, we will revisit the Governor Action Plan and establish the focus for the following few months, hoping that perhaps by the Summer term we will be able to return to visiting the school for visits in person – of course there is no certainty of this and the health and safety of staff and pupils will always come first and foremost.
So as we come to the end of another term, we would just like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone – staff, parents, carers and children, for rising to the challenge this pandemic has brought; by adjusting to the new school protocols and all working together to keep everyone as safe as possible whilst enabling our children to still learn and develop in a school environment. An especially big thank you to those who are braving the elements every morning, afternoon and lunch and break times throughout the day, to provide reassurance to us all and enable our large school to arrive and leave in the safest way possible. We hope you have a particularly warm and relaxing break!