From Monday 4th November, our method of communicating with you, payments and club bookings will be changing from School Gateway to Arbor. Some of you may be familiar with Arbor if you already have children at Hadleigh High School.
Therefore, we are highlighting below the important changes this will mean for you, until the new system is up and running on the 4th November.
- Monday 14th October at 10am, School Gateway will close and you will not be able to make any further bookings or payments after this time. All credit and debit balances will be transferred from School Gateway to Arbor before the 4th November.
- Any club bookings that have already been made from 1st December will be cancelled and will open on 11th November for you to re-book your sessions.
- Invites will be sent over half term inviting parents to sign up for the Parent Arbor app. Please can you ensure you are signed up prior to Monday 4th November (our “go-live” day).
- From Thursday 17th October, School Gateway will no longer be available and we cannot use this method of contacting you or parents contacting us. Therefore, please use:
- for general enquiries or
- for enquiries/changes to any club bookings (e.g. WAC, Nursery Lunch Club) from Monday 14th October until Monday 11th November.
- Telephone: 01473 822161
- First Aid or Medicines Administered Forms will not be sent to you via email, but instead a paper copy in your child’s bag at the end of the school day. Once the system is “live” on Monday 4th November, we will revert to sending these by email.
- General messages will be sent via Tapestry or Seesaw until “go-live”
- Please also regularly check our socials (Facebook/Instagram etc.) for our latest posts and updates.
Please look out for your Parent Arbor invites during half term and remember to sign up!
For your further information, please read the attached leaflet.
If you have any further questions, please do contact the school office team who will be happy to help.
School Office