Reception Admissions 2024
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you must apply for a full-time Reception Year school place by 15 January 2025.
You must make an application even if your child already has a place in a nursery class, pre-school or family hub

For more information, go to:
Information is also available from:
The Admissions Team on 0345 600 0981
Introducing Arbor
From Monday 4th November, our method of communicating with you, payments and club bookings will be changing from School Gateway to Arbor. Some of you may be familiar with Arbor if you already have children at Hadleigh High School.
Therefore, we are highlighting below the important changes this will mean for you, until the new system is up and running on the 4th November.
- Monday 14th October at 10am, School Gateway will close and you will not be able to make any further bookings or payments after this time. All credit and debit balances will be transferred from School Gateway to Arbor before the 4th November.
- Any club bookings that have already been made from 1st December will be cancelled and will open on 11th November for you to re-book your sessions.
- Invites will be sent over half term inviting parents to sign up for the Parent Arbor app. Please can you ensure you are signed up prior to Monday 4th November (our “go-live” day).
- From Thursday 17th October, School Gateway will no longer be available and we cannot use this method of contacting you or parents contacting us. Therefore, please use:
- for general enquiries or
- for enquiries/changes to any club bookings (e.g. WAC, Nursery Lunch Club) from Monday 14th October until Monday 11th November.
- Telephone: 01473 822161
- First Aid or Medicines Administered Forms will not be sent to you via email, but instead a paper copy in your child’s bag at the end of the school day. Once the system is “live” on Monday 4th November, we will revert to sending these by email.
- General messages will be sent via Tapestry or Seesaw until “go-live”
- Please also regularly check our socials (Facebook/Instagram etc.) for our latest posts and updates.
Please look out for your Parent Arbor invites during half term and remember to sign up!
For your further information, please read the attached leaflet.
If you have any further questions, please do contact the school office team who will be happy to help.
School Office

NOTICE - Repair work to Oval playground
Beginning tomorrow (Friday 16th February 2024), contractors will be on site to rebuild the retaining walls around the oval playground.
As a result the Clopton Gardens entrance at the back of the school will be closed from tomorrow, Friday 16th February until further notice.
We will keep you informed as to the progress of the works after half term and thank you for your patience with this matter.

Newsletter 8th December 2023
- Christmas cards from Mon 11th Dec
- Christmas Dinner and Jumper day – Thurs 14th Dec
- Carol Concert (KS2) – Tues 19th Dec 2pm
- Last day of term Wed 20th Dec – Santa run, non-uniform but must wear trainers
- Don’t park on the verge opposite the school
- Y1 and Y3 parents – wait on the oval playground at collection time
- Spring term starts Thurs 4th Jan 2024
Christmas Cards – from Monday 11th December
From Monday 11th December, children are welcome to bring in Christmas cards to distribute. We would like to encourage the recycling of envelopes, so we will be asking your children to place their envelopes in the classroom recycling bins provided rather than using the external bins. It would help us enormously if you could remind them. Children will be able to “give out” their cards before and after school and during break and lunch.
Christmas Dinner and Christmas jumper day – Thursday 14th December
Thursday 14th December is our annual Christmas Dinner and Jumper day. Children can wear a festive jumper and “festive decorations – hats and tinsel” instead of their usual school jumper. All remaining school uniform to be the same, this is not a non-school uniform day.
Our wonderful kitchen staff are already getting ready to feed over 600 of us! Nursery and Reception will be having a wonderful time in the small hall and reception area respectively whilst the remainder of the school (Y1 to Y6) will be eating their delicious meals and packed lunches in the school hall. Much music and merriment will accompany lunch!
Carol Service KS2 – Tuesday 19th December, St Mary’s Church 2:00 pm
Tuesday 19th December sees Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) head to St Mary’s Church for our carol concert. This will begin at 2pm and we are very excited to be able to invite you all to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. The children will be walked down to the church and will be walked back to school by staff.
All children will be brought back to school after the concert, to collect their bags and lunch boxes etc. Please also be aware that the children may be late back to school after the concert (approx. 3:30pm). If you are at the concert and have younger children to collect, please don't worry, they will be held at school until you return.
Last Day of Term – Wednesday 20th December - Santa Run/Non-uniform day
Wednesday 20th December is the last day of this term and we start with our annual Santa run (weather permitting) where all pupils will be given the chance to complete laps of the school as we try and complete the miles required to run across Lapland! They might even be allowed to run down a school corridor! Children can be in non-uniform but must wear trainers (see separate email sent on behalf of the School Council).
It should be a fantastic day and the perfect end to the term.
A Big Well Done!
Last week the school and Reception parents were entertained by our annual Nativity. The Reception children were incredible in delivering the Christmas story through their performance of “Follow That Star”. A huge thank you to Mr Betts for writing and composing the production, Reception staff for bringing the show to stage and to all our wonderful Reception actors!
Inclement weather
We will always strive to do what we can to remain open during wintery weather and be able to provide the education your children require. However, on occasions we may have to make the difficult decision of closing. If we do take this decision we will contact you in the following ways:
- Via School Gateway
- A message on our own School website
- We will appear as closed on the Suffolk County Council school closures website-
- We will be read out as closed on local radio.
Parking at school and around school
I would like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school, we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours, particularly Tayler Close where there are many elderly and vulnerable people and our near neighbours in Clopton Gardens. Please do not block driveways. It is vital the road is kept clear should any of the emergency services need to attend school via our back gates which are located through Clopton Gardens. We are advising the many neighbours who call the school, to contact the Police to report inconsiderate parking.
Can I also remind you to not park on the verge opposite school – this makes it exceptionally difficult for families to stay safe, many children having to go out into the road to get past. Please think of others and the possible consequences of your actions when you choose where to park.
And finally……..please can I also remind you that the Staff Car Park is not for parents use (unless we have an agreement with you), as we are very limited with parking spaces. If you are dropping off or collecting your child early from school, please park considerately in the surrounding area. Thank you.
Quick reminders!
Don’t forget…
- One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to. This should fit in the child’s pocket. We have advised a number of pupils to take home larger toys recently.
- Classrooms will continue to be well ventilated so please ensure your child has sufficient clothing to remain warm during lessons.
- For children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 a small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school. (children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit as a snack)
- Please search for any school reading books that may be languishing at home. Thank you.
- Please name your child’s clothing
- Please check the lost property hanging up on the small hall and lunchboxes. Any uncollected items will be removed and disposed of during the holidays.
- Shoulder length hair must be tied back.
- Year 1 and Year 3 parents – please remain on the oval playground at collection time. Please do not wait on the patio playground. It is becoming increasingly difficult for teachers to ensure children are passed on to you safely as some parents greet their children before the teacher has had the opportunity to dismiss them.
“Have you seen this?” noticeboard
Please refer to the noticeboard on the small hall wall for important events, dates, letters etc. which you may have missed during the week. This is regularly updated, so please do take the time to check it.
And lastly,
Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Hadleigh CPS. We really do hope you all have a wonderful time during the festive break and enjoy spending time with your family and friends. We are very much looking forward to seeing all pupils return on Thursday 4th January 2024.
Term Dates
Spring Term Begins: Thursday 4th January 2024 Summer Term Begins: Monday 15th April 2024
Half Term: Monday 19th – Friday 23rd February 2024 Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May 2024
Spring Term Ends: Thursday 28th March 2024 Half Term: Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024
Summer Term Ends: Friday 19th July 2024
Friday 18th - Christmas Jumper Day 2020
On Friday 18th December, Hadleigh Community Primary School will be having a non-uniform Christmas Jumper day. On this day, your child is allowed to wear a Christmas jumper as part of their non-uniform. If your child decides to participate in this non-uniform day, then please could you donate £1 via School Gateway. This money will be split in half and will be given to Save the Children and the other half will be donated to the Erbs Palsy Trust. If you have any questions about this, please email the school.
There will also be a running activity so wearing trainers on this day would be advisable.
Thank you,
HCPS School Council
School Admissions 2021
A Notice from Suffolk County Council:
"If your child was born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017, you must apply for a full-time school place by 15th January 2021. More information for parents/carers is available on the Suffolk County Council website at"