Letter to parents: 4th January 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

Following the Prime Minister's announcement of a National Lockdown and the closure of schools, Hadleigh Community Primary School will be closed for all pupils tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January 2021.

No children should attend school and no remote learning will take place. This overrides any earlier communication from school made today. This decision has been made to allow us to prepare remote learning for all pupils and to arrange provision for children of key workers and vulnerable children. Remote learning for all children and provision for children of key workers and vulnerable children will commence on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Yours sincerely,
Mr G Pilkington

Christmas 2020 Video!

🎄 We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! ☃️ https://youtu.be/tkUnMoTLa3M


Letter to parents: 9th December 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Contrary to recent press reports, HCPS will still be closing for the Christmas holidays at your pick up slot on Friday 18th December.

Informing school of symptoms and subsequent test results during the holiday:

Please continue to inform us if your child develops symptoms on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th December and/or you have booked or taken a COVID test, by using the email address askus@hadcps.uk by 3pm on Monday 21st December at the latest. DO NOT PHONE THE SCHOOL.

This is because current guidance says that if someone tests positive for coronavirus, those who were in close contact with them 48 hours before the symptoms emerged are likely to need to be told to self isolate. Public Health England is relying on schools to provide information regarding who may need to isolate.

From Tuesday 22nd December and until we return to school on Tuesday 5th January 2021, please use the normal national track and trace system either by using the app or by clicking on this link - https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test

Newsletter: 30th November 2020

Thank you

Thank you for your continued support this term as we continue to grapple with the pandemic and all consequences. As we move into the final 3 weeks of the Autumn term and head towards the Christmas holidays at HCPS pupil attendance has remained extremely high (97.7%). I sincerely hope this will continue for the remainder of the term and into the Spring term. Thank you. Please continue to adhere to all our dropping off and picking up arrangements. In particular, please remember that only one adult per family should be entering the school grounds to drop off/pick up children.

Christmas information

Unsurprisingly, we are unable to enjoy a normal Christmas period in school this year. Our traditional events: Nativities, Christmas Carol Concert and Christmas Lunch have been cancelled. However, we do have a number of alternative Christmas treats for our children.

  • Children will be decorating their classrooms and bubbles this week and sharing their results with other classes online.
  • Mrs Broadbent is busy composing, conducting and directing a Christmas piece to be shared closer to the end of term.
  • Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day will be held on the last day of term, Friday 18th December.
  • You should have already received correspondence from the school office with details regarding school lunch and the school council will be sending out information regarding Christmas jumpers soon. The HSA are also supporting our final day of this term with some Christmas treats for all our pupils.
  • If your child wishes to bring in a Christmas present for their teacher/support staff, they are welcome to, but please only bring the gift into school on the last day of term.
  • Unfortunately, there can be no exchange of Christmas Cards between children this advent. Please do not let your child bring Christmas cards into school.

Mini Reports

Teachers are busy writing “mini report cards” which will be distributed during the final week of term. In addition to the Seesaw/Tapestry message you received instead of parent consultations in October, your mini report will support you in understanding your child’s progress this term.

The cold weather – and SEVERE weather

As we enter Autumn/Winter, due to Covid19 measures, we have to maintain good ventilation in school. This will mean windows and doors remaining open. Please ensure your child is suitably prepared for the chilly weather…both outside and inside… and... of course, we are also entering the period of potential severe weather. If we have to close due to severe weather, please listen to local radio stations and consult this website, http://schoolclosures.suffolk.gov.uk, for updated information.

Applying for a Reception Place 2021/22

If you have a child whose date of birth is between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017 you need to apply for a Reception school place by the deadline of Friday 15th January 2021.

All applications can be made online via this link: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-places/

Term Dates

Autumn Term Ends: Friday 18th December 2020

PD Days: 4th January

Spring Term Begins: Tuesday 5th January 2021
Half Term: Monday 15th February – Friday 19th February
Spring Term Ends: Friday 26th March 2021

PD Days: 7th June

Summer Term Begins: Monday 12th April 2021
Half Term: Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June
Summer Term Ends: Tuesday 20th July 2021

Letter to parents: 2nd November 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to school tomorrow.

As it stands currently, “The Government will continue to prioritise the wellbeing and long-term futures of our young people and will not be closing schools, colleges or universities. It remains very important for children and young people to attend, to support their wellbeing and education and help working parents and guardians. Senior clinicians still advise that school is the best place for children to be, and so they should continue to go to school. Schools have implemented a range of protective measures to make them safe.

Therefore, the expectation is that all pupils will return to school tomorrow.

Early Birds and Owls club, Band Academy and Strikers will continue until further notice.

Staggered start and finish to the school day

In addition to the previously issued guidance below, I have decided to implement two additional measures to help keep everyone safe.

  • As it is challenging to stay at least 2 metres apart, please wear a face-covering when dropping off and collecting your child and maintain at least a 1-metre distance from other waiting adults.
  • Please do not wait or loiter in the yellow marked zone (see image).
  • Please arrive at your allotted time – REMEMBER: one parent/carer per family (child)
  • If you arrive before your allotted time, please form a socially distancing queue along the front of the school, staying inside the red line.
  • Please do not wait in the area in front of the staff car park entrance. Find a socially distanced space elsewhere.
  • Please do not loiter outside the school after drop off/collection – move on quickly.
  • PLEASE REMEMBER – there are several free car parks in Hadleigh. We are receiving an increasing number of complaints from our neighbours where parents are blocking driveways etc. Please be considerate.


As we enter Autumn/Winter, due to Covid-19 measures, we have to maintain good ventilation in school. This will mean windows and doors remaining open. Please ensure your child is suitably prepared for the chilly weather… both outside and inside!

Newsletter: 16th October 2020

Staggered start and finish to the school day

Thank you for your help and cooperation with the beginning and end to every school day. When I wrote to you at the start of the school year I suggested that: “this will be a significant challenge for us all. We are a large school: 520 children arriving and leaving school, maintaining social distancing, will be tough.” This continues to be the case. It is vitally important that we all adhere to the following…

When dropping your child off in the morning and collecting in the evening please remember the following points:

  • Please arrive at your allotted time – one parent/carer per family (child)
  • If you arrive before your allotted time, please form a socially distancing queue along the front of the school, staying inside the red line.
  • Please do not wait in the areas in front of the pupil entrance, the entrance to Playstation and in front of the staff car park entrance. Find a socially distanced space elsewhere.
  • Please do not loiter outside the school after drop off/collection – move on quickly.
  • PLEASE REMEMBER – there are several free car parks in Hadleigh. We are receiving an increasing number of complaints from our neighbours where parents are blocking driveways etc. Please be considerate.

Seesaw and Tapestry

Next week your child’s class teacher will be writing to you via Seesaw/Tapestry detailing how your child has settled back into school this half term. This is in lieu of parent consultations which would have taken place next week.

Birthday treats

If your child is celebrating a birthday and would like to share a little something with their classmates please ensure this is in the form of sealed, small treat packs of sweets (for example, Haribos).

Learning Posters

This term’s Learning Posters are available here - https://hadleighcp.school/learning/year-groups/

The cold weather

As we enter Autumn/Winter, due to Covid19 measures, we have to maintain good ventilation in school. This will mean windows and doors remaining open. Please ensure your child is suitably prepared for the chilly weather…both outside and inside!

Soggy, wet feet

Rain, rain, and more rain! When will it ever stop? At HCPS we have a clear commitment to outdoor PE and getting outside at playtimes, even in inclement weather. We also have playgrounds with lots of puddles! Consequently, feet can become cold and wet. Please ensure your child has a spare set of footwear and socks should they need to change. This may well be the additional pair of trainers children need to bring in to school for any extra PE and outdoor sessions, but on the day they come to school in PE kit, please provide additional footwear as well.

Only a piece of fruit or veg for break time snack

In Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 please only provide a real piece of fruit or veg for a break time snack. A piece of fruit/veg is provided for Year 1, 2 and Reception. Some children are starting to bring in items such as fruit winders and fruit snacks in packets (such as yoghurt coated fruit).


Please remember that children can bring to school 1 hand sized toy.

Applying for a Reception and High School Place 2021/22

If you have a child whose date of birth is between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017 you need to apply for a Reception school place by the deadline of Friday 15th January 2021.

If your child is currently in Year 6, you need to apply for a High School place by the deadline of Saturday 31st October 2021. All applications can be made online via this link - https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-places/

Term Dates

Link here - https://hadleighcp.school/news-events/term-dates/

Reminder from Mr Pilkington

Dear Parents/Carers

Thank you for your patience, understanding and co-operation this morning.  As I write all children are settled in class and have begun lessons with their new teacher.

To help alleviate overcrowding on Station Road, please remember to arrive at school at your child's allotted drop off and pick up time.

Remember: if you are dropping off more than one child, arrive at the earliest drop off time and your other child/children will be directed to the supervised waiting zone on the oval playground.

Thank you.

Quick Reminders & Changes: School re-opening 3rd September 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,

Here are some quick reminders to help you in preparation for sending your child to school on Thursday 3rd September.

Items in bold/italics are in addition to, or an amendment of, the letter dated Thursday 13th August.

Start and finish times

  • Please follow the one way system around the school site – observing social distancing
  • Do not park too close to school
  • Do not loiter before and after school
  • Do not use the staff car park
  • Do not enter the school buildings except visiting the office via the staff car park. Please wear a face covering if visiting the school office.
  • If you are dropping off more than one child, you will be able to leave the child who is due to enter school at the later time in a supervised waiting zone on the oval playground. You will not be able to wait with them. If this is difficult for you and your child then please leave the school grounds and re-enter the one-way system at the specific drop off time for your child listed below.
  • You will not be able to collect children from different year groups at the same time at the end of the school day.
Nursery 8:15 11:15/3:25
Reception 9:00 3:30
Year 1 8:50 3:20
Year 2 8:45 3:15
Year 3 8:40 3:10
Year 4 8:35 3:05
Year 5 8:30 3:00
Year 6 8:25 2:55

What to bring to school

  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch (if you are not having a school lunch)
  • One small backpack
  • Change of footwear for short PE sessions and field use - trainers
  • One small “child’s hand sized toy” of zero value – if you choose to
  • Sun hats/sun cream (applied before school)/coats if cold or raining – children will not be able to enter school prior to their specific drop off time – we will be waiting in the rain
  • A small healthy snack of fruit or vegetables – we are a nut free school
  • Medication – if you took it home for the summer holidays/lockdown

PE Kit

From Monday 7th September 2020…

On the days listed below, children can attend school in FULL PE KIT. (Tracksuits may be worn over PE kits – shorts must be worn underneath)

Reception Tuesday
Year 1 Thursday
Year 2 Monday
Year 3 Tuesday
Year 4 Wednesday
Year 5 Wednesday
Year 6 Monday

Children will be expected to attend school in school uniform on all other days.

See you all very, very soon!

Reopening Information: Thursday 3rd September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Since lockdown began, and HCPS remained open to key worker children and subsequently to children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 the emphasis has always been to mitigate the risk of contagion through a range of measures, following Government guidelines. These measures will continue when all children return to school on Thursday 3rd September. They will have a significant impact on how we organise the school, from the beginning of the day, lessons, breaks, lunch and right through until home time. We will need your support to help the school day run as smoothly as possible.

Please read the information carefully: school will not be as we know it and it is crucial you follow and adhere to the steps below.

Bubbles – Year groups and classes

A bubble is the term used throughout this letter to describe how children will be grouped. We will be operating in class bubbles and year group bubbles throughout the school. Due to the large number of children in school and the limitations of the geography of our school site, pupils will remain in their class bubble for most of the day, but during playtimes, lunch, arriving and leaving school and some lessons they will be grouped in year group bubbles. Throughout the day they will remain in their class or year group bubble, socially distant from the members of staff within the bubble. In turn, each year group bubble will be socially distanced from other year group bubbles. Movement will be restricted within bubbles and when moving around school.

The School Day

Please spend time with your child before arriving, preparing them for the changes explained below. Please ensure you discuss with them the need to social distance when coming to and from school.

Prior to arriving at school, please park in the town centre car parks and observe social distancing guidelines at all times. Please do not park too close to school and cause congestion when dropping off and picking up. Do not enter the staff car park. No parents are allowed into the school building except for visits to the school office via the staff car park entrance.

Dropping off / Picking up

We will be operating a one-way system at drop off/pick up. This will be a significant challenge for us all. We are a large school: 550 children arriving and leaving school, maintaining social distancing, will be tough. Please enter school via the blue vehicular access gates on Station Road (the school gate to Clopton Gardens will remain closed). Follow the clearly marked pathway, observing social distancing, until you reach the clearly marked drop off/pick up zone for your child.

Once you have dropped your child off/collected your child, please continue to follow the clearly marked pathway and exit the school premises along the gravel path at the front of the school or through the small blue gate directly opposite the zebra crossing. Please do not loiter outside the school, continue to move on.

We will be operating a staggered start and end to the day to minimise contact between year group bubbles. It will help ease congestion if only one adult comes to school to drop off/pick up. Please adhere to the times in the table below:

Year Group Start Time Finish Time
Nursery 8.15 am 11.15 am / 3.25 pm
Reception 9.00 am 3.30 pm
Year 1 8.50 am 3.20 pm
Year 2 8.45 am 3.15 pm
Year 3 8.40 am 3.10 pm
Year 4 8.35 am 3.05 pm
Year 5 8.30 am 3.00 pm
Year 6 8.25 am 2.55 pm

We will be unable to support you in “coaxing” your child into school. If they find leaving you difficult you will be asked to go around and queue again, bring them in later via the school office door or take them home until you are ready to bring them back during the morning.

If you are dropping off more than one child, you will be able to leave the child who is due to enter school at the later time in a supervised waiting zone on the top playground. You will not be able to wait with them. If this is difficult for you and your child then please leave the school grounds and re-enter the one-way system at the specific drop off time for your child listed above.

You will not be able to collect children from different year groups at the same time at the end of the school day.

What to bring to school

  • Pupils will return to school on Thursday 3rd September in school uniform.
  • Please remember to label every item clearly.
  • Don’t forget sun hats, coats if it is cold/raining and to apply sun cream before school.
  • Water bottle (named)
  • Packed lunch if you are not having a school lunch
  • Change of footwear for PE – Trainers
  • One small backpack

The School Day

  • Children and staff will obey social distancing guidance within bubbles and between bubbles. There will be no mixing of bubbles.
  • Movement within classrooms will be strictly limited.
  • Informal catch ups with teachers will not be possible – please make use of Seesaw and Tapestry to communicate with your child’s teacher.
  • Children will remain in their allotted space using only equipment which is on their desk. Very few additional resources will be available.
  • Teaching will be from the front of the class, all individual work. A traditional form of teaching will be in action with the teacher leading the bubble from the front of the classroom and children working on tasks independently.
  • Children with special educational needs will be supported as much as social distancing guidelines allow.
  • Children are expected to bring in their own drinking bottles. Water will be available to “top up”.
  • Windows and doors will remain open to aid ventilation.
  • If children are unable to abide by these social distancing guidelines, then you will be asked to collect them and take them home.
  • All medicines and minor first aid will be administered within year group bubbles. If you took medication home when school closed, please remember to drop it back in.
  • If children require intimate care, PPE will be worn by staff or parents will be called.
  • Currently we are unsure if we are able to provide a snack for children in Reception and KS1, so we ask that all children bring their own healthy snack of fruit or vegetables. Please remember that we are a nut free school.
  • The school evacuation procedure will remain the same, muster on the oval playground if the alarm sounds.
  • Outside every classroom there will be a sanitising station. Children will be expected to hand sanitise every time they re-enter the classroom.
  • Staff may wear gloves and facemasks for protection.
  • All lunches (school dinner or packed lunch) will be eaten either in the hall or in the classroom where the bubble is housed.
  • At lunches each year group bubble will have allotted mid-day supervisors.
  • Children will be expected to socially distance when moving around school and across all outdoor spaces.
  • To minimise queues at toilets we will operate a system of toilet tickets. Your child will ask for the bubble’s ticket and make their way to the allotted toilet for their bubble. Tickets will be available from teachers, support staff and mid-day supervisors.
  • All areas of school will be thoroughly cleaned daily, with toilets cleaned twice a day.

Pupils and family members feeling unwell - suspected COVID-19 cases

Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend school.This is a clear direction from the Government.

If your child has a temperature please do not send them to school or give Calpol prior to school which may artificially lower a child’s temperature thus masking possible COVID-19 symptoms.

As a school we must ensure “that pupils, staff and other adults do not come into the school if they have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or have tested positive in the last 7 days, and ensure anyone developing those symptoms during the school day is sent home. These are essential actions to reduce the risk in schools and further drive down transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19)”.

If anyone in the school becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and advised to follow ‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’, which sets out that they must self-isolate for at least 7 days and should arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19). Other members of their household (including any siblings) should self-isolate for 14 days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms.

We have a protocol in school for dealing with suspected cases. You will be informed immediately to collect your child and undergo testing.


The Department for Education has made it clear that school attendance is mandatory from the start of the autumn term. This means that normal school rules will apply, including:

  • Parents’ duty to ensure children attend school unless medically unfit to do so.
  • Schools record attendance and absence.
  • The availability of sanctions, including penalty notices, for non-attendance.

We recognise that some families may need support to secure regular attendance for their child so we will work with families to offer support and guidance to meet the expectations of full attendance.

To conclude

I hope you have found all the above information useful. Please contact the school office via email at askus@hadcps.uk if you require further clarification.

I look forward to welcoming you all back to HCPS on Thursday 3rd September 2020.

End of Term Letter - July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

As we move towards the end of this school year it is clear that it will conclude like no other. No excited Year 6 pupils enjoying their final moments in school, signing shirts and bidding their friends and adults farewell; no hoarse voices and tired limbs from Sports Day; no nervous excitement meeting the “new” teacher; no exhausted staff, parents and children returning from a memorable camp.

The past turbulent and unpredictable four months have been extremely difficult for us all to navigate, but I would like to take this moment to thank you all for kindness and understanding. I would also like to thank every member of the school staff for their support. As a community we have pulled together and provided as best we can for our delightful children.

It is our plan to reopen fully in September – but we all need to be aware that we will still be constrained by social distancing measures. The school day may be staggered with different drop off and pick up times, children may be kept apart, before and after school care may be limited, enrichment and extra-curricular activities limited.

I will be writing to you in mid to late August explaining, in detail, how the new school year will begin on Thursday 3rd September.

Reports, classes, welcomes and farewells

You will soon be receiving your child’s school report electronically. Included with your child’s report will be a letter detailing your child’s new teacher. Next year’s teaching teams are as follows…

  • Mrs Lee and Mrs Limond will be teaching in Nursery.
  • Mrs Beaumont-George/Mrs Loveys, Miss Horwood and Miss Shemming will be teaching in Reception.
  • Miss Baker, Mrs Bodsworth and Miss Rumsey will be teaching in Year 1.
  • Mrs Farrow/Mrs Pittaway, Mrs Holdaway and Mrs Cocks will be teaching in Year 2.
  • Miss Cook, Miss Hoyles and Mrs Scales will be teaching in Year 3.
  • Mrs Clarke, Mrs Whitmore/Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Bewsher/Mrs Gissing will be teaching in Year 4.
  • Mrs Douglas, Mrs Gunson/Miss King and Mrs Rankin will be teaching in Year 5.
  • Mrs Peters, Mrs Watkins and Mr Bassett will be teaching in Year 6.

We are delighted to welcome Miss Rumsey and Mr Bassett to HCPS. Mrs Pipe has recently started maternity leave. We bid farewell to Mrs Ashton, who most recently taught in Year 1, Miss Brinkley, a teaching assistant in Reception, and Miss Osborne, a teaching assistant in Nursery. We wish them all every success in the future.

…and finally...

I am sure you will all join me in wishing our current Year 6 every success in their High School education and good luck to all other children who may be moving on.

On behalf of everyone at HCPS, I wish you all an enjoyable and, hopefully, sunny summer holiday. School and home learning ends on Friday 17th July and school reopens on Thursday 3rd September 2020.

Newsletter: 13th January 2020

Welcome back!

A happy new year to everyone, and a warm welcome to our new pupils and their families, Leah-Mae Duncan in 1HA, Edward Davidson in 5G and Archie Davidson in RBGL.

As we start a new year, we would like to take this opportunity to provide some information for the term and to remind you of a few routines to help the school to continue to run smoothly.

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster is attached to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful. Please note: included on the posters are opportunities for additional, optional, engaging homework activities. Nursery and Reception also produce a newsletter which you will also find attached.

Shared classroom sessions

Last term we hope you enjoyed our programme of “shared classroom activities.” Each term you will be invited by your child’s class or year group to pop into school and share what your child’s class has been learning. This will be complemented by termly viewing of work sessions.

Parking at and around school

Due to the large numbers of pedestrians on the school site and very limited space, the governors have taken the decision that cars can no longer access the top playground to park during or after school events, or use the staff car park. Please make alternative parking arrangements when you collect children from or are attending an after school event.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours. Thank you.


  • Please do not use the staff car park and staff entrance to enter school during normal pick up and drop off times.
  • Please remember to abide by school uniform guidance which is available on the school website at the following link - https://hadleighcp.school/parents/school-uniform/
  • Please remind children to refrain from playing chase and running games in the playground before school.
  • Please remind children to walk with their bicycles and scooters when on the school playgrounds, this includes no tricks or spinning their scooters as they go. Please remind your child that they must be careful when riding scooters down the hills that surround school as we have had some near misses recently.
  • Please remember to inform the office if your child is not attending an after school club or activity. Also please ensure that your child is picked up promptly once the club has finished.
  • If you arrive late for school please take your child to the office to be signed in.

Thank you

Many thanks for your kind generosity during advent. The HSA Christmas fair raised approximately £1000 and the collection at the carol service raised £289.12. I would like to add a personal note of thanks to the HSA members who braved the weather to sell raffle tickets for the hamper raffle. Thank you!

Severe Weather – Emergency Closure Information

If the temperature should plummet over the next few weeks, it is important we remind you of the procedure if the school has to shut because of snow. However, our bottom line is that the school will always stay open if we can and it is safe to do so. When bad weather compromises the safety and security of the site, supervision of students or affects transport to and from the site, the school will close.

If the school has to shut, then this information can be found in a number of ways:

  • On the Suffolk County Council, School closures website https://schoolclosures.suffolk.gov.uk/
  • Broadcast by BBC Radio Suffolk 103.9FM
  • Broadcast by Heart Radio 97.1 and 96.4 FM
  • If able to or if the school was to close early, we would send out a text or email via school gateway. To do this we must have your current email address and mobile telephone number. If we don’t, then please contact the office with this information.

Change to May Day Bank Holiday

This year's early May bank holiday will be moved back by four days for the whole of the UK to coincide with the 75th anniversary of VE Day. May Day is traditionally held on a Monday but will be put back to Friday 8th May 2020.

VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, marks the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe. The holiday will form part of a three-day weekend of commemorative events.

They will include more than 20,000 pubs encouraging people to toast the heroes of the war, while churches will take part in a Ringing Out For Peace.

Announcing the change, Business Secretary Greg Clark said: "It will ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to remember and honour our heroes of the Second World War and reflect on the sacrifices of a generation."

Sir Andrew Gregory, chief executive of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, said the government's decision was "fitting".

"It is our duty to keep the events of the past alive in collective memory, including future generations - this is how we ensure that such a conflict never happens again," he said.

"It is our hope that the nation takes a moment to reflect on the significance of this date, as a milestone that changed the course of history for the whole world," he added.

The May Day bank holiday has been moved only once before. It was changed from 1 May to 8 May in 1995 to mark the 50th anniversary of VE Day.

Newsletter: 13th September 2019

Welcome back!

We are coming towards the close of our first full week of the autumn term and it is great to see all children settled in their new classes and arriving into school raring to go. We extend a warm welcome to all our new pupils in nursery, reception and right across the school. We also welcome Mrs Austin, Ms Hunter, Mrs Lant, Miss Smith and Mr Templey to the staff. As we start a new school year, we would like to take this opportunity to provide some information for the term and to remind you of a few routines to help the school to continue to run smoothly.

Be the best you can be: attitudes to learning and life

We are determined at Hadleigh Community Primary School that all pupils achieve well and “Be the best they can be”. We encourage pupils to try hard and take pride in all aspects of their work. In classrooms and on the sports field, all staff will be praising pupils for their attitude to learning and their efforts to be the best they can be when they flex their learning muscles! We also want to affirm being the best person you can be. Throughout school, we will be celebrating the personal qualities of respect, honesty and kindness.

Learning Posters

A year group specific learning poster (or newsletter for nursery) is attached to give you a feel about curriculum content this term. I hope you find the information useful. Please note: included on the posters are opportunities for additional, optional, engaging homework activities. These, along with “shared classroom sessions”, replace our Tic, Tac, Toe programme.

Shared classroom sessions

Following feedback, and as mentioned previously in the paragraph above, we are replacing our Tic, Tac, Toe programme by adding optional homework activities to our learning posters and replacing the opportunity to attend Tic, Tac, Toe sessions in school with “shared classroom” sessions. Each term you will be invited by your child’s class or year group to pop into school and share what your child’s class has been learning. This will be complemented by a termly viewing of work sessions. Dates and times to follow.

Accelerated Reader

Year 3 pupils’ will be experiencing Accelerated Reader for the first time. If you would like to find out more please visit the following link - https://help.renlearn.co.uk/AR/ARParentGuide

Please take note of AR Bookfinder, which is a great resource to use when selecting books at home and in the library. We are always grateful for book donations - please place in the north lobby if you have good quality children’s books you are looking to rehouse! Thank you to all families who have donated so far.

Parking at and around school

Due to the large numbers of pedestrians on the school site and very limited space, the governors have taken the decision that cars can no longer access the top playground to park during or after school events, or use the staff car park. Please make alternative parking arrangements when you collect children from or are attending an after school event.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you that if you drive to school we would be grateful if you parked in a
safe and legal place and showed courtesy to our many neighbours. Thank you.

Quick reminders!

  • Please remember to “name” all clothing and personal equipment.
  • Lost property will be held up until the end of every half term. It will then be sent to a clothing charity. Lost property is located on the top playground.
  • Water in drinking bottles that have a top that pulls up to allow the water through and then can be pushed down to close and seal it. Some bottles have screw tops which are easily spilt over books and work.
  • Healthy snacks at break, such as fruit
  • We are a nut free school so no nut based products
  • PE kits in school for PE lessons – with shorts and t-shirts under tracksuits at all times. Remember, earrings must be removed for PE. If your child finds this difficult please do not wear earrings on PE days. If the earring is new, tape must be applied.
  • Please supervise your children before and after school to ensure they are not climbing on any railings, walls and benches or disappearing into flower beds and hedges.
  • It is essential that you inform us of your child’s medical needs or any changes to their medical needs as soon as possible.
  • Please remember to walk with bicycles and scooters when on the school premises.
  • Our woodland area and our sports field are learning spaces; please do not allow your children to play in the woods or on the field as considerable time is lost, particularly by Mrs Lee, putting the woodland resources back where they belong.
  • Squishies are not allowed in school